Chapter 15

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Damn You, Peter Pan

When Alicia woke up, she was in a tent and felt better than ever. The cramps in her stomach were gone, her raging thirst had disappeared, and the dirt that had smeared her face was cleaned off. She touched her skin and noticed her clamminess was also gone. She sat up and frowned slightly when she felt soft linen cloth underneath her. Ali glanced around the tent to see various trinkets lying around. She scrunched her nose. Kicking the blanket off her legs, she nearly toppled to the ground from her shaken energy.

She neared the tent flap, stepping outside to see a group of lost boys cheering together while they surrounded their leader, Peter Pan.

"And Felix's team wins!" Pan announced. Half of the boys cheered again.

"What's the prize?" A younger boy asked rapidly as he jumped up and down. His excitement oozed out of him and Alicia saw how lively the lost boys could be, despite being raised like animals.

"A day at the beach!" Pan awarded and the boys who had won whatever game they had played ran off to get ready. Alicia hid back into the tent before peeking out again.

"To the losers, head over to the pile of weapons. Get to cleaning," Peter commanded and Alicia watched as some of the boys slouched off to work.

Ali suddenly ran back to the bed and leaped on it when she saw Peter heading towards her. She sunk into the bed and waited for Pan to walk in.

"Look at that, you're awake," he mused when he saw the young girl. Alicia glared at him and crossed her arms.

"You nearly killed me," she snapped. Pan looked taken back.

"I haven't touched a single hair on your head," he countered.

"You don't need to, your presence is enough to kill me," she hissed. Peter scoffed and walked towards her, sitting in a chair.

"Why am I here? I assume you are the reason why Barbossa dragged me out here," she snapped angrily. Peter smirked at her.

"All in good time, love. You'll know soon enough," he responded simply. Alicia stuck her tongue out at him before he chuckled and walked towards the exit.

"This is your tent from now on. You'll stay in here unless you're allowed outside. If you need anything, Felix will assist you," Pan said before leaving and Alicia was left to her own. She glanced around the tent with a scowl.

"What a smelly, dirty place."


Regina shook her head judgmentally as she watched Emma pace before her.

"Are you sure you're pregnant? Maybe you did the test wrong."

"I don't think there are many ways to pee on a stick incorrectly," Emma retorted.

"Have you even told the pirate yet?" Regina questioned but Emma rapidly turned to her and shook her head.

"Please don't tell him. I'm not ready to tell him," Emma pleaded.

"I think once you look like a rolling potato he will know somethings up," Regina snorted. Emma glared at her but pushed her comment aside.

"I'm scared to tell him, alright. We've never really talked about having children."

"And yet you two decided the best thing to do for your relationship was to get married," Regina said while rolling her eyes.

"And why haven't you told your mother?" The queen snapped again. Emma struggled her shoulders.

"You and I know my mom isn't the best under certain circumstances, especially if it involves a baby."

"And when do you plan to tell her?"

"When the baby is five years old."


Alicia watched as the blond she came to know as Felix walked into her tent. He had a tray in his hands and placed it on the small barrel next to her bed. She watched his every move from her bed.

"You look weird," she commented. The blond glanced her way but ignored her.

"Can't talk huh? Cat got your tongue?" She asked again. Again the boy ignored her as he cleaned around the tent. Alicia watched him but he soon finished and left. Ali sighed. She hadn't had human contact in days besides the little interaction she had with Felix. And he never really responded besides giving her side glances.

Alicia felt herself going crazy. It was subtle but she knew if she stayed in the same place for one more day she was going to lose it.

She tried to leave the tent once but there was a magical force blocking it and she was immediately thrown back.

Alicia had asked again why she was there but the blond didn't respond as usual.

"I'm so done on this goddamn island," she hissed. She looked to the bracelet blocking her magic and scowled. It was clad tight on her wrist and she was just about done waiting around for Regina.

Alicia sighed. She should have known that if she wanted to be rescued, she couldn't wait on anyone. She could only depend on herself, as she had years ago. Ali was disappointed in herself for depending on someone else for a moment.

Searching through the tent, she looked for scissors or something sharp that could cut the leather.

"Ah yes!" Alicia cheered when she found a pair of scissors. Ali adjusted herself at the small table and set up the scissors between the cuff. She must've been trying to snip for over ten minutes when she realized she was doing absolutely nothing to the cuff.

So she tried with a knife. Then a pencil, then a stick, and lastly a needle.

Nothing worked and now Alicia was bleeding.

She groaned in frustration. She was beginning to feel clustered and hot in the tent, despite it raining outside. She began to whine loudly as she fell to the floor dramatically, finally growing desperate and needy.

"Paaan!" She called out for Peter.

Not a single respond came.

"Peter Paaaan!"

Alicia waited for a second before she saw the tent flap opening. Sticking his head in, Pan glared at Ali got causing a ruckus.

"What do you want, you insufferable dingbat?" He asked cruelly, but Alicia took no interest and yanked him towards the bed. Peter's eyes widened when dirty thoughts entered his mind, but they quickly diminished when Alicia suddenly punched his nose. He yelped in pain and gently touched his nose as some blood began to spew out.

"What the actual hell-"

"You will rue the day you left me alone in this ratchet tent, Peter Pan, I demand to know why I am here!" She screeched and pulled her arm back to punch him again but Pan quickly dodged.

"Women are scary," he muttered as he dodged more of Alicia's attempted hits. Ali was soon pushed away by Peter and he froze her feet to the floor.

"Now stay, you animal," he hissed and began to look through the trinkets around the tent. Alicia figured the tent was his as he knew where everything was.

Peter searched around for a book. He waved it at the girl before walking out, leaving Alicia still stuck to the floor. She grunted as she yanked at her legs but without her magic, she was glued to the same spot. She turned a deep shade of red before letting out a shrill scream.

"Damn you, Peter Pan!"


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