Chapter 34

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Regina's Sorrow

Regina's eyes burned as she stared at the long, endless scrolls before her. Her head ached as she tried her best to read the faded scribbles but alas nothing she read stuck to her mind. The candles providing her light were running out and she knew it was late into the night.

"Give it a rest, dearie. There's only so much information you're going to find on these scrolls," the Dark One said as he entered the royal library, with Flynn Rider right behind him.

"Your majesty," Flynn greeted as he lowered his head in respect. Regina gave a tight smile and nodded in acknowledgment.

"How much longer are we going to wait, Rumple? You promised me results and all I see are setbacks!" The Queen snapped. Rumple didn't take offense and simply shrugged.

"Patience's is of virtue, Regina. The more complaining you do, the slower I want to go," he said back with annoyance. Flynn choked back a snort. He quickly turned away when Regina gave the boy a look.

"With all due respect, Dark One, I only want to get the princess back as soon as possible."

"Don't we all, your majesty."

Rumpelstiltskin placed down a book before her. Regina narrowed her eyes.

"And what's this?"

"Maps. Plenty of. We're gonna need all this on the next voyage."


"After tracking Pan's magic for a while I can with confidence say he isn't always on the island. He makes trips. For supplies, food, and relics. It seems he is pleasing Alicia with trinkets and treasures of faraway lands. This girl has always been quite a materialistic one."

Regina scoffed but couldn't deny it. Alicia liked anything that had a shine to it. She reminded Regina of a bird.

"And where exactly is his next trip plan?"

"Now that is where it gets tricky. He isn't following a pattern. It could be anywhere."

Regina frowned and was about to nag at the dark one before he spoke again

"However, since you know Alicia so well, I can only assume you might have an idea of what she might ask for next..." Rumple said. Regina took a deep breath and sighed.

"Anything sweet. She's probably going crazy having no cookies or cream puffs."

Flynn chuckled and agreed.

"She ate so many sweets at my house, Pan had to stop her from throwing up," Flynn commented. Regina rolled her eyes and shook her head with slight humor.

"Of course she did. It sounds like her."

"Nevertheless, do you have any idea where he could go next?"

Regina glanced over to her desk to spot a picture of Alicia and Henry. It was during a vacation they had all taken together in a land far away. Henry was draped over Alicia's shoulders in a carefree way with a huge smile on his face. His prince uniform looked clean and neat against the hot sun. Alicia had a gentle smile with her green gown and flowing hair dancing against the wind. Her small crown shined against her black hair. In one hand she held a bouquet of wildflowers and in the other, a baked pastry unique to the land. The green, sparkly castle they were standing in front of glistened from afar. Regina nodded confidently.

"I know what she'll want next. It's something she would die for."



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