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The touch of someone's love was something so precious and magical. If one was ever so lucky to obtain it, they needed to make sure they never let go.

There was only so much love in the world, you would be a dupe to have to let it go once you found it.

Or maybe love was weakness. What could be special to someone could also be their downfall.

After all, only fools ever fall in love.


Alicia's eyes snapped open.

She struggled for breathed and coughed loudly as she suddenly clutched onto her stomach. The pain in her tummy was odd. She had never experienced something so grim.

She concentrated as best as she could and within minutes the pain reduced to nothing.

"I must've slept wrong," the princess mused as she stood up, her feet touching the cold, stone floor. She rose from her bed and found her way to the small water pitcher that was always on her table. She poured herself a cup and chugged down as much as could.

Alicia couldn't shake her nightmare away.

She always struggled with nightmares but this was the first time she had ever actually died in one.

"How curious."

Alicia suddenly heard a knock at her door. She glanced at her reflection before clearing her throat.

"Come in."

From the mirror, Alicia could see her twin brother enter her room. She smiled at him before tossing a pillow at him.

"Hey. What's up?" She greeted. Flynn ruffled his black hair and laughed.

"Now what kind of princess greets like that?" He mocked and Alicia shrugged.

"What kinda prince looks like that?" She said teasingly as she pointed to his mud-covered boots.

"You've tracked mud into my room, you bastard."

Flynn rolled his eyes and apologized. He grabbed one of Alicia's blankets and mopped up the dirt. Alicia's eye twitched but didn't say anything as her idiotic brother tossed the blanket into the abyss.

"Mom said to hurry for breakfast," he informed before throwing her a random dress he pulled out of her wardrobe.

"Tell her I'll be right down."

He nodded and left with a bounce in his steps. Alicia rolled her eyes.

She changed and got ready as soon as possible.

"My lady, do you need any help?" Her nurse asked as she peeked in through the door. Alicia shook her head.

"No, I'll be right down!"

The maid left and the princess struggled to find her shoes. She looked up and down for them but couldn't seem to find them. Alicia pulled at her hair and sighed.

"Oh, crickets."


"Morning, mother," Alicia greeted as she came down the stairs at lightning speed. The queen smiled down at her daughter and hummed.

"Good morning, sweetheart. The Charming's have arrived."

"Oh, wonderful," Alicia mused as she followed her mother into the great hall.

"Come now, dear. We have so much to do today," Regina said as she and her daughter entered the hall.

Alicia nodded and found her spot at the breakfast table, right between her twin and Henry. Once the food was displayed before them, everyone began to eat. Flynn leaned over.

"I bet you a dozen silver bits that I can eat 2 dozen hotcakes," Flynn challenged his sister in a whisper. Alicia smirked

"You're on, dingbat."

As the two twins stuffed their faces, Alicia couldn't help but feel at peace. Everything in her life seemed absolutely perfect.

And yet, why did she feel like a piece of her life was missing?


Peter Pan's curse had worked. He had turned back time.

His curse was designed to give Alicia the life she always deserved.

She was reunited with her family, she was able to live her life in the castle, and she was never alone.

And she never met Peter Pan.

It was as if he knew she would be happier off if their paths had never crossed.

The End

Thats it, folks! The end!

This has been I Am Your Queen!

I hope you enjoyed reading it 😀
Thanks to everyone who's supported me and gave this book another chance. Hope it did better than the first time around!

With that said, I will announce when the sequel will be out. The sequel will be announced on this book so make sure to keep it in your library if you want to finish this trainwreck!

Stick around my friends, Alicia and Peter's story isn't quite finished.



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