Chapter 23

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Alicia sat on her favorite log weaving some baskets with long dried-up grass.

That was all her day consisted of; eat, sleep, weave, and try to convince Pan to let her go swimming.

Besides the lagoon where the mermaids liked to hang around, there was a little lake to the south of the camp. Felix had accompanied her once when they needed to collect more herbs, and ever since Alicia had nagged Peter to let her go swimming. He had yet to allow her.

As she continued to aimlessly weave baskets, the shuffle of boots approached her. She looked up with narrowed eyes and sighed when she saw Felix.

"Again?" She asked softly. Felix nodded silently. Alicia scoffed before rolling the sleeves of her shirt up.

She sat patiently as Felix drew some of her blood out. She was then led to Pan's empty tent where the blond began to drain the magic from the blood. Alicia wasn't sure how Pan and Felix did it, but they both knew how to remove her magical energy from her blood so it will restore the hourglass faster. The remainder of her blood was then spilled into a small body of water on top of Deadman's Cliff. Alicia wasn't sure why her blood went into the small pond, but she knew better than to question whatever Pan did.

After Felix had finished, he left with his club heading off in the direction of Skull Rock. Alicia went back to her log but she pushed the baskets she had been working on away.

Another hour passed, and Alicia knew her boredom would fade when Peter strolled into the camp. She immediately stood up and stomped up to him.

"I've got a bone to pick with you, Pan," she hissed as she got up in his face. The boy frowned and moved around Alicia's body.

"What do you want now?"

"I'm bored!"

Peter scoffed.


Alicia growled again but this time sat down on the dirt with a pout.

"All I ask is that you take me to the lake so I can swim a little," she insisted. Peter plopped down next to her and sighed.

"Promise you won't try to escape?"


Peter sighed before standing, yanking Ali up by the arm as well. He pulled her away deep into the forest. Alicia smiled brightly when she realized they were heading towards the lake.

She hummed happily when the water came into her view. Pan let go of her arm and with his magic, he placed a one-piece bathing suit on Ali.

The princess was glad Peter had placed a conservative swimsuit on her. Pan handed her a towel and Alicia splashed into the water after throwing her stuff on the bay.

Peter leaned up against a rock and let his body relax. With his eyes closed, Peter allowed himself to connect with the island even stronger. He could feel the magic that Felix had recently collected already flowing through the ground.

Peter peeked open his eyes when he heard Alicia squeak. He found the princess playing with two little otters. He watched curiously as she swam with the critters and looked happy doing so.

Pan propped his body back against the rock. He relaxed again but this time kept his eyes on Alicia. He was a wonder to him. She was a spunky princess who was silent yet also the biggest pain in the ass he had ever met.

He had to give her credit though. She was a tough girl.

He also did notice something interesting about Alicia Knights.

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