Chapter 12

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Alicia woke up to find herself locked in a cage.

A cage.

A future princess of the Enchanted Forest is in a cage.

Alicia growled. Not only was she filled with confusion and anger, she was also hungry. All she remembered eating last was a piece of an apple Jack had offered her. She touched the bars of the cage and yelped when she was suddenly electrocuted. Furious, she felt a compulsion of energy leave her body, causing a strong gust of wind to destroy the cage that was around her.

Alicia's magic was at its peak again. She stood up from the bamboo rubble and gave her legs a moment to adjust before she ran off into the dark of the jungle, praying to the gods she wouldn't die.

Fearing the worst was yet to come, Alicia pressed the locator jewel on the necklace Regina had given her. Ali hoped Regina would find her soon. Then she can go back to tracking down the bastards who did her wrong.

Hector Barbossa was now at the top of Alicia Knights hit list.


Chaos filled the Charming castle as every breathing person ran from corner to corner, searching in every nook and cranny of the castle. Regina was scaring everyone with her screaming, the only one calm was Robin as he trailed behind his wife trying to calm her down.

"Where is it?! Someone find that damn globe!" She yelled frantically, flinging her arms everywhere.

During tea time, a typical time when every royal of the castle joined together in the gardens for some peace and quiet and of course a spot of tea, Regina got a signal from Alicia's necklace. The young queen to be was in danger, and Regina was having none of that.

"Mom, I got it!" Henry breathed as he ran up to one of his moms with the magical globe in his hands. Taking it from her son, Regina wasted no time pricking her finger on the needle that sat on top. Regina watched as her blood worked its way onto the blank globe to form a realm. An island she didn't recognize took place and Regina looked up with frustration.

"Where the hell is that?"

Hook stepped up, a hardened glare and slight fear traced in his eyes.

"That there is Neverland, the most dangerous place you will ever encounter. Venomous plants, creatures, and mermaids call it home, and I dare say they aren't the worst things that live there."


Peter Pan smirked at his lost boys, all eager to truly mess with the new girl who had joined their ranks. Although Pan said not to touch her, he didn't specify they couldn't tease her. The lot of them held different swords, bows, and axes, all ready to scare the living daylights out of the girl.

"Derek, go get our prisoner," Pan said and Derek the lost boy ran off. They stood around patiently, waiting for the familiar curls of the princess to appear.
After ten minutes passed, Pan was beginning to grow impatient. He was about to tell Felix to see why Derek was taking so long when the lanky boy returned to the camp. His face was flustered, he was breathing heavily, and he nearly fell over but Pan clearly heard his words.

"She's gone!"


In the middle of the jungle, Alicia Knights sat in a tree, eating a mango she had collected from fruit trees. In a handmade sling, she collected more mangos, berries, and some apples. Tying it across her back, she continued her walk through the jungle. In the daylight, the island wasn't too scary. Ali found a beautiful stream. The glistening water made the young girl's thirst grow. She cupped her hands together to make a small bowl like figure and she desperately chugged as much water as she could.

After she wiped away the water that dribbled down her neck, she could feel her feet aching. Alicia groaned as she unlaced her length boots and kicked them away, letting her feet breathe and relax. She laid down near the stream, bathing in the suns warmth. Ali began to think of what she knew about her situation.

1. Jack Sparrow is old.
2. She knew Barbossa was now working for someone that sounded very familiar to her.
3. She had no idea where she was.
4. She lost her hat again.

Of all the things that could go wrong, she knew #4 was the worst. That hat had been sacred to her.

"I'm going to die on this island, aren't I?" She mumbled to herself. She knew she couldn't swim anywhere, the ocean would just kill her, and she couldn't fight whoever ran this island, she didn't know how many of them there are. All Alicia could do now is see if Regina will truly come for her.

She simply had to wait.


Peter Pan didn't know much but he did know Alicia was a girl who had quite a reputation. She was one of the youngest girls to run with pirates. Not only that, after she changed ships, she got engaged to another legendary pirate.

He was surprised when he found out young Alicia Knights was engaged to Pirate Lord Captain Jack Sparrow when they were both younger. Although they never got across to marrying each other.

And now they never will, Pan thought smugly. Regina's curse had taken Alicia as it's victim and cursed her to stay 16, while those who were spared aged.

"She's by the stream Kips once fell into," Felix said as he approached his leader. Pan nodded and hummed.

"She still doesn't know, does she?"

"I doubt she does."

Peter checked the map again. He could clearly see where Alicia was. He decided it was time to pay her a little visit.

"Watch over the boys, Felix. I'm going to go check up on our little runaway."

"Yes, Pan."


When Peter found Alicia, he was surprised to find her snoring by the edge of the stream without any shoes. He lightly nudged her side, but she only responded with another loud snore. Pan rolled his eyes and threw a magical powder on her face, making sure she stayed asleep. He carried her back to camp.

Entering camp, he ignored the stares of the other boys and went straight to his tent. Pan dropped Ali on his bed and huffed.

Although he could already feel the strength of the island growing stronger and stronger, Alicia was proving to be a handful. And she had only been there for a day.

Peter called on Felix.

"Watch over her. I'm going to go hunt with the rest of the boys."

"Of course, Pan."

Peter left and Felix was left looking after this dark-haired girl who snored more than anyone he had ever encountered. He whittled a flute as he waited.

"Felix? Can we see her now?" A small voice called from the entrance of the tent. The blond turned to see the youngest lost boys peering in, all trying to get a glimpse of the girl.

"No, get out. Pan said nobody is allowed to be in here with the prisoner," Felix snapped.

"Who the fuck you calling prisoner?"

Felix noticed the snoring in the room had stopped. He frowned at the lost boys for waking the girl up before turning to see Alicia's raging blue eyes staring back at him.

"You're awake."

"And you're not Regina."


QotD: Favorite Disney Movie?

Mine is Brother Bear. It's such an underrated movie, but it's hilarious and the soundtrack is absolutely wonderful.

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