Chapter 24

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Alicia Knights had been spending more time with Pan.

He insisted it was because he needed to keep a close eye on her after her allergic reaction to the potion.

Alicia didn't care otherwise, because with him being around her all the time, it meant she had new privileges she didn't have before. Pan took her to the lake every other day so she could swim and exercise. They spent time collecting shells, swimming around and Alicia even introduced him to her otter friends.

"This is Peanut and this is Butter," Ali said, pointing to each otter as she said their names. Pan's lips twitched up as the otters swam up to greet him.

Alicia and Peter had developed an interesting relationship. Felix and Slightly occasionally called them the bickering old married couple. Although they both hated it when they were called that, Alicia and Peter couldn't deny it. They both were very stubborn and constantly butted heads.

Eventually, the quirks they both had didn't bother the other and they learned to live with it.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?"

"You know what, now stop it," Peter muttered as he braided her hair. Alicia grumbled before lowering her hand. Somehow, without being able to see, Pan knew Ali was biting her nails. It was a nasty habit she simply couldn't shake.

Peter finished her braid and placed some flowers into it, just like Felix told him to do.

"Your hair is hard to braid," Peter commented as he stood up, helping Alicia to her feet as well.

"Of course it is, it's curly as hell and thick. It takes three brushes for the maids to dig out all the knots after I sleep," Ali snarked. She took a moment to admire her hair in the hand mirror Pan had gifted her and she was pleased.

"Next time I go to another realm, what do you want me to bring you?" Peter questioned as they both made their way to fire pit for breakfast. Alicia clicked her tongue as Slightly handed her a plate of food.

"I don't know. Maybe a book," she inquired. She scoffed down her food as Peter ate slowly. Pan made many trips to other lands for unknown reasons and he refused to tell Ali about it. Although he refused to tell her about his trips, he always did bring back a present so the princess had something to entertain herself with. He was tired of hearing her whines.

"A book? Any genre specifically?"

Alicia shook her head.

"Just make it a long book. I need it to last," she said. Peter made a mental note and nodded.

It didn't take long for the lost boys to finish eating. It was Training Day, so the boys quickly got their weapons ready to do their training. As the boys began to fumble among themselves, Ali took her usual spot on her log. She sharpened a stick and watched the boys. Pan didn't allow her to train with the others.

It didn't matter much to her. Alicia enjoyed her time alone. It allowed her a moment to clear her head of cloudy thoughts.

Ali was halfway done with her third basket when she saw Pan nearing her. He handed her a basket and silently, he headed off into the forest. The princess followed closely and they ended up at the fruit orchards.

"You take the left, I'll take the right," Peter said. Alicia nodded before hitching up the skirt of her dress and beginning to climb an orange tree. She frowned when the skirt caught onto a branch. She accidentally ripped the cloth when she yanked too hard on it and sighed.

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