Chapter 30

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Alicia & Peter

Alicia sat stiffly at the kitchen table as Flynn rambled on about an adventure he had gone on in a kingdom called Agrabah. She wasn't really listening to his talk and instead concentrated on the tingly sensation still buzzing on her lips.

It was hours after Alicia and Peter had shared a kiss. It haunted her. The poor girl didn't understand what was happening to her. Her entire body felt hot, her cheeks were still red, and her stomach was full of so many butterflies, she wanted to throw up. Alicia rarely ever got sick. She wondered if she was coming down with some sort of Wonderland disease.

Flynn glanced back at his silent sister before handing her a cup of hot tea.


"Honey, please," she responded. Flynn nodded and placed the jar of honey on the table. Alicia prepared her drink silently. Flynn observed his little sister. He cleared his throat.

"There a reason why you're so quiet today?" He asked as he bit into a cream puff. Alicia peeked up at her brother with a frown.

"I'm fine."

"You haven't eaten a single one of the cookies I put out for you. That's how I know somethings wrong."

Alicia glanced up to her brother with narrowed eyes.

"Nothing is wrong," she repeated. Flynn didn't believe her but he decided not to push his sister for information.

"Well anyway, I thought today we could travel to my house! It's not far from here, just a little over the mountain, past Deep Giggle River."

Alicia only gave a low mumble. Her brother didn't want to push his sister even more and took her uninterested answer as a yes. Flynn took off to find Hatter while the princess continued to sit in her chair, unmoved and confused.

For someone as evil as Pan, he was very confusing to poor Alicia. His need to be around her now was more obvious than ever and Ali felt like a fool for not noticing how much time they were spending together. Was it because she enjoyed it whenever he was around that she didn't notice? Was it the newfound freedom that came with Peter being around her?           

Whatever it was, it had taken the form of a stolen kiss.

And Alicia was pissed.

As she returned to her temporary room, stomping her feet with every step she took, she continued to feel unnecessarily upset.

"You're angry for no reason."

Alicia scrunched her face as Peter entered the room. She had his back to him and refused to turn around. Her cheeks began to burn with the embarrassment of a thousand.

"I have every right to be angry. You tainted me," Alicia snapped. All she heard was a scoff from him.

"Believe me, darling, you were already tainted."

"For someone as evil as you claim you are, you're more of a dick than anything."

Alicia sat on the bed, finally looking at Peter. He stared back at her with empty eyes.

"Where are you going?"

"Flynn's house. Near Deep Giggle River," she explained. Peter sighed.

"Will you come along?"

"If you want me to," he responded.

"We leave in about ten minutes."


Alicia wandered through her brother's mansion, ignoring the two boys behind her as best as she could.

As much as she enjoyed her brother's company, she was too busy thinking about the incident with Peter Pan.

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