Chapter 13

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Tied Up

"Savages," Alicia muttered under her breath. She tugged on the retrains that tied around her wrists and sighed when she knew it was useless.

After awakening from her slumber, she found a blond boy she had definitely seen before staring back at her. She was in an unknown tent and once she realized these were the people that had hired Barbossa to kidnap her, she put up quite a fight. Punching and kicking as much as she could, she managed to knock some boys out. But the sleep hadn't completely left her system and the blond boy managed to tackle her, putting retrains around her hands to prevent her from using her magic.

Life was bad.

Alicia continued to curse under her breath. She was tied to a post in the middle of the camp, sitting on the dirty ground as she waited for the supposed leader of the savages to arrive.

"Are you hungry?"

Alicia said nothing as the blond in front of her offered her some dried up jerky.
She kept quiet as she watched Felix give up and walk away.

"Everyone can literally go fuck themselves," she hissed to herself.


"I see she's up!"

Alicia's head snapped up as soon as she heard that voice. It was a voice she hadn't known for long but she knew it will forever annoy her. A growl left her mouth and she turned to glare at the boy. His smirk is forever embedded in her head and she finally understood where she was.

"Peter Pan."

He smirked widely as he walked in the middle of the camp. He was clearly pleased to see Alicia in a vulnerable stage, tied up and angry.

"I hope you rot in hell."

"Temper, temper, princess. No need to get in a twist," Pan mused. He crouched in front of Alicia, watching her carefully. Ali could feel her pale face already turning a deep uncontrollable red. Her anger was spreading quickly but unlike before, where she lost control of her powers, Alicia just drained out her own energy.

"What have you done to me?"

Pan held up the necklace Regina had given her by his finger and chuckled unamused.

"Neat trick, love. The power to protect you against all. Such a shame it has to be destroyed," he said before he crushed it with magic. Alicia watched as the necklace was no longer functional and was in pieces on the ground, the magic that was once captivated in seeping to the dirt.

"Cheap ass thing," she grumbled as she stared down at the remains. She huffed and looked up at Peter.

"How'd you manage to take it off? I didn't even see when you took..."

"No further questions from the audience, please," he said before turning on his heels and walking away from her, not another word said. She was left alone, in the middle of the camp, still tied to the post.

Alicia figured this was her end. In a way, she already knew this boy wasn't going to just let her go. He wouldn't go through so much trouble with Barbossa otherwise.

She didn't know much about Peter Pan in fact. In the lessons she was forced to take about the many realms, never once did she hear the name Peter Pan. Then again, Alicia never truly paid much attention to her governess.

She tugged on the rope around her wrists, again testing if she could escape. There was a device on her wrist preventing her powers from working. She didn't know what it was or how to remove it. She looked around for an escape route as well but it would be impossible to outrun any of the boys. They knew the island better than she did. They would find her in a heartbeat.

Maybe they would let her go if she bothered them enough.

So she began to scream.

"Death is everywhere! Death is my best friend! Death all around!" She screeched. Sure enough, the boys who had been surrounding her turned to stare. Alicia continued to scream random things about death.

"Death to this island! Blood in my veins! Death to the iguanas-"

"What are you doing?" Pan interrupted as he suddenly appeared before her.

Alicia shrugged.

"It's not every day I get kidnapped and get strapped to a pole surrounded by a bunch of guys. This is a new experience for me," she muttered. She continued to scream nonsense. Pan just stared at her. After observing her to a point where he couldn't take her screaming anymore, he suddenly stole her voice. Alicia let out a silent squeak. Her wide, blue eyes snapped up to stare at Pan in confusion. The boy merely shrugged.

"I'll give your voice back if you promise not to scream anymore. You're giving me a headache."

Alicia refused. Sticking her tongue at him, Pan had his answer and left Ali, without a voice and still tied up.

The young girl huffed in anger and again, her face began to turn an unnatural red.

From the sides, Felix and Slightly (another lost boy) watched as Alicia struggled against her ropes, her face still an unholy red.

"I give her a week."

Slightly scoffed.

"I give her an hour."


Regina and Emma always argued.

It was nothing new for their families. Both looked as if they had married each other instead of their true significant other. But if there was something they could both agree on, it was Henry's safety above all.

In a way, Henry was the only thing the two women had in common and would do anything for. So when Emma and Regina agreed that Henry would not be allowed on the quest to save Alicia, the prince was annoyed. For once he wanted his mothers to disagree. He wanted them to allow him to help.

Alicia was his friend after all.

Losing the fight against his mothers, Henry watched solemnly as some crew members carried supplies onto a ship called The Fortuna.

"You okay, Henry?"

He turned towards Belle and Red, both approaching him. The two ladies were his babysitters for the time being while his family was out.

"Why can't I help? All I ever wanted to do was help," he grumbled. David walked by him, ruffling Henry's hair before boarding the ship. Henry's grandmother placed a soft kiss on his cheek before following her husband.

Ignoring their attempts to help him feel better, he watched as Red and Bella also said farewell to their friends. Emma and Killian approached him.

"Henry, you listen to Belle. We'll be back soon with Alicia, I promise," Emma said before giving her son a kiss.

"Stay safe, kid," Killian said.

Regina said her goodbyes to him as well. Keeping it simple and quick, she boarded the ship with the rest of the royal family. The Fortuna set sail, with Killian at the wheel and David at the helm.

Henry hoped they would return quickly.

He wanted to give Alicia an earful for leaving him alone with his overly heroic family.


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