Chapter 4

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Peter Pan

Alicia saw that the voice belonged to a boy.

The boy had short light brown hair that was made to perfection. His forest green eyes twinkled in the dark. He gave off a dark cloud to himself but somehow she found herself drawn to him, like flies to honey. Alicia did not like feeling that way. Behind the boy were 7 other boys, all either around the first boys age or younger.

Alicia Knights frowned. None of them looked familiar. She then noticed a blond boy with a scar down one of his eyes walking towards her Raine. Ali suddenly sat up with anger. Or at least tried to.

"I will have your head if you touch her. Stay away from her!" Alicia snapped, once again hissing empty threats. The boy with the scar looked up to meet Alicia's glare and smirked. But nonetheless he didn't go near Raine. Ali glared at anyone who dared meet her eyes.

"Don't move love, I can help you. Do you trust me?" The mysterious boy asked and Alicia eyed him with suspicion.

"As far as I'm concerned, you could be a serial killer waiting for damsels like myself to get hurt so you could finish them off," she snapped and the boy chuckled.

"I could do that, but I won't. I can help you." He waved his hand right above her injury. Within seconds, the pain had vanished and the young girl was healed. He had magic.

Alicia tried her legs vulnerability by standing up. She stumbled a little and took a few steps as a test. Once she knew her strength had built itself up, she tried to rush over to her horse. But the blond boy stopped her before she could near Raine.

"Step away you bloody git-"

"Now now, child, no need to get upset over nothing. I can help your horse too." Alicia heard the British boy say and he healed Raine as well.

Once the boy had finished his magic, and Raine was able to stand properly again, she quickly pushed her way over to her master. Alicia gave Raine a comforting smile before starting at the boys.

"I demand to know who you are," she snapped and the boy crossed his arms with a smirk.

"I'm Peter, your grace. Peter Pan."

He then gestured to the boys around him.

"And these are my Lost Boys."

What the hell is a lost boy, she thought to herself but shook her head. It wasn't worth her time to think of stupid things like a lost boy.

"Pleasure, I'm sure," she said with a grim smile. She wasted no time climbing back on Raine. She turned to glance at the boys one more time.

"Thank you for helping me, I really do appreciate it," she said trying to somewhat sound thankful. It didn't work. Peter smirked again and Ali scowled. She was beginning to hate the boy's smirk.

"Anytime love," he said and Alicia glared at him.

"Don't call me that." With that being said, Alicia nudged the sides of her horse and they ran into the forest.

Ali took the long way back to the castle. She didn't want the strangers to follow her home.

She soon found another dirt trail home and took it back to the castle. When Alicia finally saw the lights of the castle come into view, she sighed in relief and urged the horse to go faster.

Raine came to a halt outside the stable. Alicia left it up to the stable boy to clean her horse up and Alicia slowly walked through the castle gates and entered through the back. She closed the door silently behind her.

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