Chapter 67 Part 2

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Continuation from the request by: jadaboo701

We are going to use the traditional stoplight system for safe words.
Green means good
Yellow means slow down
Red means stop immediately

They stumbled out to their daddies car when they were stopped.

"Do you really think you are going to drive?"

"Holy fucking shit you scared me," Liam slurred as they turned around and saw their daddies standing by the car.

"Those are naughty words Lima," Zayn slurred while standing next to Liam.

"Give me the keys and get into the car," Harry demanded as he held his hand out for the keys.

Zayn dropped the keys into his daddy's hands before both he and Liam got into the backseat of the car.

"Meet you both at home," Harry said to Niall and Louis before getting into the drivers seat.

The drive home was quiet, the two submissive's slumped against one another. Once they reached home, Harry carried Liam into the house while Louis carried Zayn. Niall opened the doors for them.

The three daddies got the submissive's undressed to their panties before tucking them into bed. The daddies climbing in after them.

"Let's hope they stay in bed, I really don't want to get up again till the actual morning," Harry said as he turned off the bedside lamp.

Louis and Niall silently agreed with him before they closed their eyes.


The following morning, the five of them didn't wake up till around eight-thirty in the morning. That was sleeping in for the three dominants. After the three daddies relieved themselves and got themselves coffee, Harry specifically didn't want to deal with the submissive's without being caffeinated first, they woke up the submissive's.

"Good morning you two. Wake up and head on downstairs, don't bother getting dressed you aren't going to really need your clothes today," Harry said as he pulled the covers off of the two submissive's.

"Fuck off," Liam and Zayn grumbled together before simultaneously flipping over and covering their heads with a pillow.

Niall and Louis looked at each other before walking over to the bed and landing a spank on both exposed bums.

"See I was going to be nice and let you guys keep your panties on but since you want to start the day off being rude as if you're not already in enough trouble, you can lose them," Harry explained as the other two dominants took the initiative and pulled the submissive's panties down and off.

"Now get your asses out of bed. We have a long day together." With that the three dominants turned around and headed back downstairs, where they waited.

Around ten minutes later, the three older men heard footsteps on the stairs before seeing two bodies emerge into the kitchen.

"Great, you finally joined us. Please enjoy sitting on the stools, since you won't be able to soon, while you eat your breakfast," Harry said cheerfully as he put plates in front of Zayn and Liam.
"Today professional cleaners are going to come and clean the mess you both made, of course you won't be around when they arrive. You are both in for an extremely long and painful day. Maybe next time you'll think twice before being naughty," Harry explained.

"It's not even that big of a deal. I'm allowed to explore my artistic side," Zayn mumbled.

"You are correct you were allowed to. But that's not going to happen for a long while."

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