Chapter 39

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Requested by saralove1389

"I'm hórny daddy," Zayn whined as he walked into his daddy's room.

"Me too," Liam said while following behind Zayn.

"Strip," Niall ordered as he sat at the edge of the bed.

Zayn, Niall, and Liam were the only ones homes at the moment.

While Niall was lost in his thoughts, figuring out what he should do, the two twinks decided to start making out.

"Whatever you do to Zayn, I'm going to do to you Liam. Zayn are you okay with Liam dominating you?" Niall asked as he stood up and motioned the two to go to the bed.

"Yes sir," Zayn said as he got on his hands and knees on the bed.

"Liam, are you okay with this?"

"Yes sir." Liam climbed on top of the bed behind Zayn and ran his hand down the smaller lads back.

"What do you want me to do to you princess?" Liam asked Zayn.

"Fúck me. Be rough with me."

"Are we gonna have enough room on the bed daddy?" Liam asked as he looked back at Niall.

"Do you want to move this down to the basement?"

"Yes, Zayn do you?"


The three made there way down to the basement, where they had more room than there was upstairs in their bedroom. Zayn went to the bed, which was alot bigger, where he was told to lie on his back.

"I love your body princess," Liam said as he trailed kisses up and down Zayn's body. "Love how it reacts to my mouth." Liam stopped moving and began sucking on his neck, leaving a hickey behind.

"Turn over princess, hands and knees," Liam ordered while he tapped Zayn's thigh. Liam grabbed lube and a condom while Zayn did as told.

Liam placed the items on the bed before climbing behind him and started eating him out. Listening to Zayn moan and feeling his body writhe uncontrollably, his cóck standing at attention.

Niall decided now was the time to join in. He stood behind Liam, kissing up and down his body just like he did to Zayn. Shortly thereafter Liam stopped pleasuring Zayn and placed the condom on his dìck. After adequately lubing his shaft he lined it up to Zayn's hole, pushing in. He allowed Zayn to get used to him before he pulled out and slammed back in.

Liam pushed Zayn's chest down so that it was touching the bed sheet and his áss was high in the air. He used one hand to smack the twinks áss while his other hand was around Zayn's throat.

"Is this rough enough for you?" Liam growled in Zayns ear before slightly squeezing his throat.

"I-I'm gonna come daddy," Zayn whimpered out hand reaching down to tug at his leaking cóck.

"No touching. And no coming yet," Niall said as he lined up to enter in Liam.

Niall didn't give Liam a chance to get used to his size before repeatedly moving in and out of him. He snaked one arm around Liam to keep him kinda upright, since he was still pounding into Zayn, while the other one stayed on his ass, grasping it. Leaving crescent like marks behind from his fingernails.

"You two can come," Niall said breathlessly as he smacked Liam's áss, ready to come himself. Once he felt Liam still he pulled out of him and came on the twinks back.

"Well what did we miss?"  Louis asked as he and Harry stood at the bottom of the steps. They both heard moans and pants as they walked into the house from work, and the basement door was wide open which tells them something was going on.

"It looks like a fúcking train that just arrived at its destination," Harry said as he walked over to the sink and cupboards to grab a rag. He wet it with warm water before walking over to Liam and cleaning his back off. "Looks like daddy Ni had a hold of your áss," Harry observed.

"Mhhm." Liam looked up at his daddy drowsily. "Was I good boy?"

"Yes you were baby. A very good boy. Both of you were," Niall said as he cleaned off the front of Liam, discarding the condom he still had on. Louis cleaned off Zayn and both boys were carried up the two flight of stairs to the bedroom. Where it all initially started.

Daddy H grabbed out pairs of pajamas for both boys and got them dressed before he and Louis changed out of their suits. The three daddies got dressed in sweat pants before joining the submissives in the bed, cuddling them. Zayn and Liam both tired from the session, they fell asleep quickly.


Haii there!!!

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