Chapter 7

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"So Liam was telling me you swore at him," Harry said as he cornered Louis in the kitchen. Niall was currently helping Liam and Zayn get ready for bed upstairs as Harry confronted Louis.

"And if I did?"

"Do you remember, before Liam and Zayn came into our lives, what would happen if you swore or were naughty in any way?" Harry questioned.

"Yes, what's up with the stroll down memory lane?"

"Do you want to be treated like that again?"

"No. I'm not a submissive you can't treat me like I am one."

"Try me," Harry said, as he moved so he could whisper into Louis' ear, "I could easily have you on your knees again before me either begging me to touch you or begging me for my forgiveness. So I'd suggest getting rid of this little attitude that you have," before walking away and going upstairs.

"Whatever," Louis called out behind him as he followed him upstairs.

The three dominants tucked the two submissives into bed before making there way back downstairs.

"Kneel," Harry ordered Louis before he had the chance to sit on the couch like himself and Niall.

"What? No."

"Kneel. Don't make me say it again."

"I'm not kneeling."

"I wasn't giving you much of a choice," Harry said as he stood up and forced Louis to kneel before sitting back down.

"Last time I checked, you may be a dominant, but I still own your and Niall's áss," Harry stated.

"Why was I brought into the middle of it?" Niall asked.

"Just making sure you remember your place since Louis here apparently forgot it," Harry said focusing his attention on Niall.

"Nah, I know my place. You don't got to worry bout that," Niall said.

"Good," Harry said before moving his attention back to Louis. "You can kneel until you learn your place."

"I know my place. I also know I'm a fùcking dominant that shouldn't be taking orders from you," Louis said.

"Yet you are on your knees like told to," Harry reminded Louis.

"No one asked you."

"I don't wanna hear another word come out of your mouth." Harry stood up and went into the kitchen, telling Niall to follow.

Harry backed Niall up against one of the counters, kissing him harshly. Niall tried kissing back but Harry moved to kissing down his jawline and neck before he had the chance to.

He took a glance behind him to see Louis squirming on his knees, his hands not behind him anymore. He turned back towards Niall and whispered off in the male's ear tugging on his shorts. Harry got down on his knees as Niall tugged the clothing off of his lower half.

"Do you want me to blow you?" Harry smirked as he grabbed Niall's pènis and started moving his hand up and down.

"Please," Niall hissed at the contact on his pènis, feeling Harry's mouth around it before he got the word completely out.

It wasn't long before Niall came down Harry's throat with a muffled moan, not wanting to wake up the twinks.

"Thank you for pleasuring me," Niall obediently said.

"You deserved it," Harry said before going back into the living room where Louis was located.

"Arms back behind you."


"Behind you."

"Ugh fine."

Harry sat down on the couch next to Louis and watched him struggle to keep his hands behind him. He wanting to continue touching himself.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Louis whined.

"You obviously need to relearn your place," Harry said while sitting back, crossing one leg over the other.

"I know my place, just please."

"Please what?"

"Touch me or let me touch me, please."

"Hmm I don't know, do you deserve it?"

"Yes, please."

"Hmm okay," Harry moved so he could easily reach Louis cóck so he could give him a hand job.

"I told you I could easily have you on your knees begging me to touch you," Harry said once Louis finished.


Haii there!!!

I didnt know where or what I was doing with this chapter.

I hope you guys liked it.

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Goal 7 votes and 7 comments.

Thank you

Love all of you


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