Chapter 17

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Zayn was currently out with his daddy Niall while Liam was home with his daddy Harry and daddy Louis. The dominants wanting to separate the two submissives for awhile.


"Yes pumpkin?"

"I hórny," the submissive said as he reached down to tug on his half hard cóck.

The two dominants just watched as the submissive gave himself a handjob. Knowing they'd have their way with him when done and that he wouldn't necessarily like it but he also would. Liam closed his eyes as he felt his orgasm approaching, moaning out his daddies names as he came.

"Did you enjoy that?" Louis questioned.

"Yes daddy."

"I'm glad. Now go downstairs and get completely naked, we will be down shortly," Harry ordered as he cleaned the twink off.

"Yes sir," Liam said quietly as he began walking downstairs.


Shortly thereafter Louis and Harry both made there way downstairs where Liam was kneeling next to the bed.

"Hands and knees on the bed slút," Harry ordered. Liam scrambled onto the bed, hoping to be able to please his dominants.

"What do you think we should use on him?" Louis asked Harry as they walked over to the cupboards. Harry handed Louis a blindfold, cóck ring, and lube before having him go back over to the bed while he grabbed other items.

"We're going to use and abuse both of your holes. You'll be sore by the time we are done with you. And you won't think of getting yourself off at any point in the future. Are we understood?" Harry asked as he slapped Liam's áss once.

"Yes sir," Liam said as Louis slid the cóck ring on the twinks dick.

"Good boy. Now open your mouth and get daddy Lou's cóck nice and wet," Harry demanded as he let his hands roam the submissives body.
"Daddy is going to fúck you roughly while daddy Lou fúcks your throat." Harry groped Liam's áss cheek as he poured a substantial amount of lube on the twinks hole. He opened the twink up before slamming his hard cóck into the submissives tight hole. Liam let out a strangled moan as Louis slammed his cóck down the twinks throat.

Harry bent over Liam's body to growl into his ear, "you're such a dirty bítch. Taking all of your daddies cócks like a good little bítch."

"Daddy can I come?" Liam asked as he pulled off of Louis' cóck.

"No," Louis said simply before stuffing his pénis back into the sub's mouth.

Liam moaned around his daddy's cóck as his other daddy started thrusting into him quickly and harshly. Harry pulled out of the submissive and came on his back as Louis came down the submissives throat.

"You up for round two babyboy?" Louis asked once the two dominants came down from their highs.


Niall and Zayn

"You can get whatever you'd like princess," Niall said as the two wandered around the candy store. Niall had decided to take the submissive shopping at the mall, and ended it at a candy store.

The submissive filled a bag up with candy he'd like and then picked out candy for Liam. He didn't want to forget about one of his favorite people. When he was done and after his daddy paid for it they left to go home.

Niall carried all of the bags in the house and upstairs while Zayn followed him. The two put everything away before going back downstairs. Zayn holding the bags of candy, placing them in the kitchen.

"Want to help me make dinner for everyone babe?" Niall asked Zayn as he grabbed out ingredients.

"Yes daddy."

Once the two were finished with making dinner the other three made there way downstairs, from upstairs seemingly fresh from the shower.

"Looks like you three had fun," Niall commented as he eyed the hickey on Liam's neck as they all sat down at the table.


Haii there!!!

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