Chapter 96

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Sir Liam

Daddy Zayn

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Daddy Zayn

Sub LouisSub HarrySub Niall

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Sub Louis
Sub Harry
Sub Niall

The three submissive's were currently getting ready to sneak out

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The three submissive's were currently getting ready to sneak out. They wanted to go out, but their dominants told them no. They weren't going to take no as an answer though.
The three of them waited until their dominants went to their room, before making any attempts at leaving. Was it a little suspicious when daddy and sir came in to the submissive's rooms and they were already in bed, yes. Did either male think anything of it, not really.

"We good to go?" Niall asked as he stood in Harry's room with Louis.

"Yes, Louis ordered the Uber already. Are we certain daddy and sir are actually asleep?" Harry questioned.

"Well they haven't done there usual rounds to make sure we are asleep, so I think it's safe to say yes. But we need to get moving before that does actually happen," Louis said as he opened Harry's window.

"Why aren't we using the front door, this seems more risky."

"Because the stairs squeak whenever someone goes down them, and this just seems to be the better option. If you want to go down the stairs and risk waking up daddy and sir, that's on you."

"Fine then," Harry said as he walked out of his bedroom.

Louis and Niall rolled their eyes as they looked at each other. "Are you going to follow him or follow me?" Louis asked as he popped out the window screen.

Before Niall had the chance to respond two audible squeaks came from the stairs, causing everyone to pause. Except for Harry who quickly resumed going downstairs. Louis and Niall heard the front door open and shut before they began quickly exiting out of the window. Louis replaced the window screen before the both of them jumped off of the roof. It wasn't that far of a jump down. They met up with Harry at the front of the house, checked to make sure they had everything before walking to the address they set the Uber to pick them up at. It was to risky having it be in front of the house.

"I kept the door unlocked so it would be easier to get back in the house," Harry quietly said as the three of them walked down the street.

"Smart," Niall mumbled.

The three of them got to the corner as a car was pulling up. Louis verified it was the Uber he ordered before the three of them got into the backseat. Then they were off to the first destination of the night.


The boys spent their night going to various bars, drinking and having fun until closing time. Louis ordered them another Uber, as they were mingling on the streets a little after two in the morning. The three of them stayed in their own little area, not wanting to be around the rest of the drunk people coming out of the bars. They were pretty plastered as it was and they didn't want to be around anyone that could potentially be rowdy.

They didn't have to wait long for the ride to show up and once it did, they all quietly got into the backseat and were on there way back home.
When they got home, they immediately noticed that a light was on in the lower level.

"Oh shit," Harry slurred as the front door was abruptly opened and sir came storming out.

"Inside! Now! You three," sir ordered as he pointed to inside of the house.

The three submissive's stumbled their way inside, where daddy was waiting to guide them into the living room. Daddy and Sir had already gotten a makeshift bed made on the living room floor for the submissive's, that way so if one of them need to get sick they don't have to go far.
A bucket each was already in place for the three of them.

"Lay back and get comfy. You better hope you get some sleep tonight. You're in for a long day tomorrow," Sir warned as he closed and locked the front door.


Haii there!!!

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

Part two will come eventually.

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Love all of you


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