Chapter 23

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☆Commenting just to tell me to update won't make me update any faster than I already do. I do have my daughter to take care of and I'm currently pregnant, meaning when he or she arrives, which won't be for a few more months, updates will be slower than they already are. I hope you understand.☆

♡I've noticed that this doesn't follow much of a plot anymore it just seems to be random ideas. I kinda want to get it back to following the plot I had planned but I'm not sure now. I may just keep it to where it's just random ideas. Opinions, from you lovely readers would be greatly appreciated as to if you want it to stay how it's been the past however many chapters or have me go back to the plot?♡

◇Requested by UnknowDawn, kinda goes off of last chapter◇

It's been two weeks since Zayn was punished by his daddy for the incident at the club and it's been even longer since he was last allowed to come. His daddies didn't put a cóck cage or cóck ring on him, they assumed he'd be able to maintain self control.

He was currently in his old bedroom, watching pórn on his laptop, with his hand down his pants getting himself off. He didn't think he was gonna have to worry about being caught by anyone. It seems that as soon as he orgasmed, as quietly as he could, Liam came bursting into his bedroom telling him his daddies wanted him.

When Liam caught on to what Zayn was doing and before Zayn could tell him to keep his mouth shut Liam was yelling for their daddies and running out of the room.

"Daddy, Zayn bein' naughty!" Liam shouted as he ran down the hallway into the living room. "He he was touchin' 'imself."

Louis stood up and made his way to where Zayn was laying on his bed, not even bothering to take his hand out of his pants he still lazily pumping his member. Zayn knew he was in trouble, so he figured why not make the most of it.

"Ahem, young man," Louis said as he stood in the doorway.


"What do you think you are doing?"

"What does it look like I am doing," Zayn sassed.

"You want to get yourself off so bad then please don't let me stop you. I will tell you when you can stop," Louis said as he walked further into the bedroom and closed the lid to the twinks laptop.

While Zayn continued to give himself a hand job, Louis grabbed a vibrator and lube from the box of séx toys in the room. Zayn got himself off a second time as his daddy grabbed said items.

"Pants and whatever is under them down and off then bend over the side of your bed, I want you to finger yourself until I tell you to stop," Louis ordered.

Zayn fingered himself open until his daddy slapped his hand away and slid the vibrator in his tight hole. Louis turned it on, on the highest setting before rapidly moving it in and out of the submissive.

The dominant made Zayn come three times from the vibrator before eating him out making him come the sixth and final time. The submissive crying from how sensitive he was.

"Now I hope you listen the next time you are told you aren't allowed any type of séxual activity. And your punishment is being extended a further two weeks," Louis said as he cleaned the submissive up and brought him onto his lap to calm him down.

"Otay daddy," Zayn quietly said.

After Zayn was dressed Louis carried him out into the living room where everyone else was located.

"You're a tattle tale," Zayn said as he was sat down on the couch next to Liam.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Enough. Zayn you knew what you did was wrong and you've been punished. No need to talk about it anymore and no need to try and blame Liam for you getting in trouble," Niall said sternly.

"Yes daddy. Sorry."


Haii there!!!

Make sure you read what is at the beginning of this chapter and answer the question, please and thank you.

Quick little update for you guys.

I hope you guys liked this chapter.

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Goal 10 votes and 10 comments.

Thank you

Love all of you


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