Chapter 32

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Naughty littles.

Liam and Zayn were in the living room coloring, bubble guppies playing on the television in the background, while their dominants were in the kitchen getting lunch together.

"Come here Zaynie," Liam whispered while he grabbed the crayons and made his way behind the couch. Zayn following behind him. "It's better than paper, and there is more space to color on." The two littles drew pictures on the wall while the dominants were oblivious in the kitchen. Not realizing it was very quiet in the other room.

"I don't wanna color anymore," Zayn said quietly after finishing the picture he drew.

"Well what would you like to do instead?" Liam asked.

"This." Zayn pulled Liam onto his lap and began kissing him. He let his hands roam Liam's body before settling at his hips. The littles began rocking their hips against one another, trying to create some sort of friction between their clothed dícks. Not realizing they were making alot of noise, attracting an audience.

When they pulled away from one another and looked up, they weren't expecting to see three faces staring down at them.

"Hi daddies," Liam said before hiding his face in Zayn's chest.

"And what do you two think you are doing?" Niall asked.


"That nothing sure as héll looks alot like something. But we will deal with you both later, come to the kitchen lunch is done," Louis said before walking back into the kitchen, Harry and Niall following him.

The two littles looked at one another before shrugging their shoulders and getting up, going into the kitchen. When they sat down at the table, Louis took his belt off and placed it on the table infront of the littles.

"Eat your lunch," Louis said as Harry and Niall placed the bowls of macaroni and cheese infront of the littles.

When Liam and Zayn were done eating, Harry and Louis brought them back into the living room.

"Would one of you like to explain why there is crayon on the wall?" Harry asked.

"We were coloring," Liam said quietly.

"It was Liam's idea!" Zayn blurted out, hoping he, himself, wouldn't get in as much trouble if he told his daddies it wasn't his idea.

"It doesn't matter who's idea it was, you still went along with it. Meaning you are just as guilty. What are you supposed to color on?" Louis asked.

"Paper or coloring books," Zayn responded.

"And you are both well aware, the wall is not paper or coloring books. So why did you both color on it?"

"We wanted to and then Zayn didn't want to anymore so we stopped," Liam stated.

"Is that when you guys decided to make out?" Harry questioned.

"That was Zayn's idea!"

"Once again, I do not care who's idea it was you both went along with it. Zayn corner, Liam go to daddy H's office. I will be right there," Louis ordered before going into the kitchen to grab his belt.

"Why me?" Liam cried out while stomping his feet, essentially throwing a tantrum.

"Either I can punish you privately or out here infront of everyone. You choose," Louis said calmly as he came out of the kitchen.

"Thats what I thought," Louis said as he followed behind Liam into Harry's office.

"Now I'm not upset that you and Zayn were making out. I'm upset that you both colored on the wall, knowing you aren't supposed to and then you both didn't own up to it," Louis explained as he sat down on the couch, in the office. Liam standing infront of him.

"I'm sorry."

"Your sorry you are about to get your áss whooped. If you were really sorry you wouldn't of done it to begin with. Bend over the side of the couch." Louis stood up while Liam did as he was told.

"Only ten, I want you to count," Louis said before landing the first three hits.

As quickly as the spanking started it was over with and Louis was calming the little down.

"Now I want you to take Zayn's spot in the corner and send him in here," Louis said before planting a kiss on the side of Liam's head.

"Okay daddy," Liam quietly cried before going to do as told.

Zayn quietly made his way into the office, closing the door before standing infront of his daddy. Louis gave Zayn the same spiel before also spanking him ten times with the belt. After calming the little down they both walked into the living room. Louis calling Liam from the corner.

"I love you daddy," Liam said as he cuddled up on his daddy Louis' lap.


Haii there!!!

I have an idea for a new story. I was thinking Model Liam, Businessman Zayn. It'll be kinda the same as my other stories in the aspect of dominant submissive roles. Would you be interested in reading something like that?

So I hope you guys like this chapter.

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What did you dislike?

What do you wanna see happen?

Goal 10 votes and 10 comments.

Thank you

Love all of you


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