Chapter 5

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*Small a/n:

I know that some dislike that Niall and Louis don't show how dominant they can be or they aren't mentioned enough in a chapter and that Harry is mainly mentioned when it comes to dominance. Like stated in the beginning they aren't extremely dominant like Harry is. Yes they are dominants but if you were to put the three in a room full of people it would be seen as Harry being dominant and the other two his submissives.
I'll try and mention them more in the chapters but there dominance is going to stay the way it is. There may be the few odd chapter(s) where they are dominant like, like Harry but it won't happen often
I hope you understand and I hope my little explanation above made sense.😊*

"Zayn and Liam come down here please." Harry called upstairs.

"Daddy Lou, Ni, and I are going out for a bit to do a few things, we can trust you two will behave while we are gone, right," Harry said once the two made there way downstairs.

"Well of course daddy, why wouldn't we," Liam said innocently.

"Do you really want one of us to answer that," Louis stated from his spot next to Harry, Niall standing on the other side of Harry.

"No, not really. But why can't we go with you guys?" Liam asked.

"We will behave," Zayn added.

"Because we are going to the office for a few hours and then doing some shopping. And you two can't be with us while we are shopping," Niall said.

"But why not?" Zayn asked.

"Because we said so. Now is that going to be a problem?"

"No sir its not. But when are you guys going to be home so we can make sure the house is clean and dinner is on the table?" Liam asked, getting the attention off of Zayn.

"Around six. We will call when we are on our way home. Don't do anything we wouldn't allow," Harry said as he, Louis, and Niall walked to the front door.

"Okay daddy."


Later that night

"Liam come here," Louis called from his spot on the couch.

The three dominants have been home for about an hour now. Niall and Harry took Zayn upstairs to have some fun with him while Louis was going to have fun with Liam.

The three dominants knew about the fun the two submissives had the other day but have mutually decided not to punish them for it just because it was extremely hot to watch. But that doesn't mean that's how it'll go next time, if there is a next time

"I want you to go to the box in the corner of the room and grab out what you want me to use on you," Louis said once Liam walked into the living room.

They had boxes in each room of the house that were filled with sex toys, condoms, and lube just in case they were in one of the rooms and became hörny. They wouldn't have to go into the bedroom to get themselves off they could just do it right there.

Liam walked over to Louis with a vibrator and lube in his hands.
"These daddy," Liam said as he held the items out to Louis.

"Come sit princess," Louis said while guiding Liam to straddle his lap.

Once Liam was straddling the dominants lap, Louis connected their lips in a heated kiss.
"I want to hear you moan," Louis whispered in between the kisses he was leaving on Liam's neck before sucking right above his collar bone leaving a hickey.

Liam let quiet sounds escape from his mouth as Louis reached around him to pull his panties down, not letting up on kissing him. Liam moved so his panties could be removed completely.

"Lay on your back baby," Louis ordered.

The twink laid on his back on the table while Louis lubed up the vibrator before sliding it into the boy. He held the vibrator in with one hand while his other hand pushed up Liam's shirt. He circled his tongue around one nipple while his hand toyed with the other.

It wasn't long before Liam was begging his daddy to let him cöme and Louis allowing him to.

With Niall, Harry, and Zayn

Harry and Niall just got done tying Zayn to the bed. Niall was getting ready to suck the twink off while Harry attacked the boy's neck with kisses and hickeys.

The twink was moaning around the ball gag that was in his mouth when both males stopped what they were doing and moved away from him. Zayn's eyes snapped open wanting to know why they stopped.

"Close your eyes princess. I'm going to remove the ball gag and I want you to give daddy Ni a blow job while there's a vibrator in you," Harry stated as he started removing the ball gag.

Niall grabbed the vibrator and lube before getting undressed. While Harry lubed up the toy and slid it in the twink, Niall put his cöck in Zayn's mouth. Since the twink couldn't really move his head, Niall fücked his throat.

Not long after his prostate being continuously assaulted he sputtered around his daddy's cöck as he came. Niall coming all over his face.


Haii there!!!

I was having difficulties writing this chapter, I didn't know where to go with it or even what to write so y'all got a shïtty poorly written kinda sëxual scene.

I hope you guys liked it.

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Love all of you


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