Chapter 14

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"I wan daddy Hawwy!"

"He is busy Liam. He is still taking care of Zayn," Niall said as he tried to keep the little from going upstairs where the other three were.

"I doesn't carwe, I wan's him!"

"Inside voice Liam James," Niall scolded.

"No! I wan daddy Hawwy!"

"Stop shouting before I give you a reason to shout little one," Niall warned seemingly having enough with Liam's attitude.

"I 'ick of you! I wan daddy Hawwy!"

"Liam, no. Now you can either go play with your toys in the living room or stand in a corner, you choose before I choose for you."

"No! No! No! No! No!" Liam continued throwing his temper tantrum not caring if he was being loud. He didn't see anything wrong with wanting his daddy Harry. He hasn't been able to be by his other daddies side because they've been taking care of Zayn. And he no longer wanted to just be with his daddy Ni. He wanted his daddy Harry.

While he was standing there lost in his own thoughts he forgot about the temper tantrum he was having and sunk down to the floor. Just sitting there as tears rolled down his face, growing tired from the tantrum and yelling he was doing. As he was about to place his thumb in his mouth, he, through blurry eyes, saw his daddy Harry crouch down infront of him.

"Hi babyboy," Harry said softly.

"Da da."

"Yes it's daddy baby, come here."

Liam held his arms out wanting to be carried. Harry stood up before picking up the little and placing him on his hip.

"Do you mind telling daddy why you were yelling and telling daddy Ni no?" Harry asked as he carried Liam into the littles old bedroom.

"I waned you."

"Does that mean you yell, throw multiple tantrums, and tell daddy Ni no?" Harry asked as he sat down on the bed.

Liam shook his head while looking down at his lap.

"Look up at me and use your words Liam."

"No da da," the little whispered.

"What usually happens when you do what I just mentioned?"

"I get 'pankin. But I din do nuffin."

"So daddy Ni was lying and my ears weren't actually hearing you yell?" Harry asked as he stood Liam up on his two feet.

"No da, I 'owwy doe."

"You can be sorry but I'm still going to punish you. You know better than to tell daddy Ni no, yell, or throw tantrums. Now come lay over daddy's lap." Harry lifted Liam so he was face down laying over his lap.
"You're only getting fifteen baby, five for yelling, five for telling daddy Ni no , and five for throwing a tantrum, is that understood?"


"Alright babyboy daddy is starting," Harry warned before he landed the first spank over Liam's shorts.

Just as quickly as the littles spanking began it was over with and he was back sitting on his daddy's lap being consoled.

"I no do gain da da," Liam cried as he clutched onto his daddy's shirt like his life depended on it.

"You gotta tell somebody else that babyboy," Harry said as he stood up with Liam in his arms and carried him downstairs to Niall. Harry handed the little over to the other dominant who was sitting on the couch.

"I 'owwy da Ni."

Niall looked up at Harry with a puzzling look on his face not understanding what the little had just said. Harry mouthed 'he meant sorry' and Niall mouthed back asking the littles age where Harry just shrugged cause he didn't know.

"Babyboy," Harry said softly.

Liam turned towards him the best he could while being in his daddy Ni's arms.

"How old are you?"

Liam held up two fingers and half of another one to signify he was two and a half. Before turning back around and putting his head back into Niall's neck, shutting his eyes. The little was tired from all the negative activity he did so far that day. He placed his thumb in his mouth and began softly sucking on it wanting a reassurance something was there.

The two dominants shared a look when they heard the soft sucking sound, knowing they'd have to talk to Louis about it later. And even bring it up to Liam once he was a big boy.


Haii there!!!

In the beginning of this chapter Liam was regressed to the age of 4 but as the chapter and his crabbiness went on he regressed all the way to the age of 2 and a half. The dominants are now stuck figuring out why.

Why do you think he regressed to such a young age?

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