Bonus Part 2

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"Niall go grab water bottles and granola bars for Zayn and Liam. We are going to take a short break little ones so you can regain any energy you may have lost," Harry ordered Niall.

"Now that we've taken a break. Zayn, Liam are you ready to continue?" Harry asked around an hour later.

"Yes daddy," Liam answered for the both of them.

"Alright both of you on all fours. We are all going to take turns fücking the both of you, like the fück toys you are," Harry ordered.

"Remember your safe words. Use them if it becomes to much. Zayn no coming unless you beg for it," Louis reminded.

"If you come again without permission, you will be restricted from doing so for a month," Niall warned.

"Now who's first?" Harry asked as the two twinks did as told.

Calum walked towards Liam while Luke walked towards Zayn.  All of the dominants in the room were sporting a hard on from watching each other fück and play with the submissives. The two submissives were worn out, exhausted, felt like they were on cloud nine throughout the entire scene. Zayn's throat became sore from the begging and moaning/screaming he was doing. Liam came a few times without permission. The both of them thoroughly enjoyed being used as toys, neither of them had the need to use their safeword. When they were asked if they wanted to do it again they both happily nodded their heads yes.

The seven dominants all helped with aftercare with the two submissives. But it was mainly Niall, Louis, and Harry administering the aftercare. While Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke grabbed what was needed and just stood on the sidelines.


Haii there!!!

Okay, this is pretty bad. I had the initial idea of writing it all out but I then forgot that I was doing a part two lol and just decided to quickly get this written. There is a good possibility I will rewrite this in the future and completely write out the scene like I planned. But for now I hope you guys liked this.

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Love all of you


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