Chapter 88 Alternate Ending Part Two

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"I said, if you want to talk to talk to Liam. You three love giving him all of your fucking attention anyways! Every single fucking time he decides to be little it's like you three just fucking forget about me. But you don't fucking forget about punishments. No, you sure as hell love giving those out! But you'll gladly forget I fucking exist!" Zayn yelled.
"So take that fucking pizza and shove it up your ass, I want nothing to do with you guys right now!" Zayn continued, not letting his daddy have the chance to speak.

"Okay, when you're ready to talk you know where we will be," Harry said calmly as he stood up and began walking towards the bedroom door.

"Yup, go spend time with your precious little Liam," Zayn mumbled.

Yes, Zayn was jealous. He wasn't going to openly admit that though. His daddies knew he hated when they gave Liam all of the attention, especially daddy Harry. Zayn was a little too, but apparently because he didn't act like a baby like Liam. His daddies just didn't care.
After daddy Harry left the room, Zayn got up and locked the door before getting back in bed and laying down.

For the next few days Zayn would stay locked away in his room. Only coming out to grab bottles of water and to place the unopened box of pizza on the counter. Whenever he would come out, he ignored everyone around him.
On the fifth day of ignoring everyone, Zayn was stopped from going into his room by his daddies and brought into daddy H's office.

"I'm not going to let you isolate yourself anymore. I would appreciate it if you would explain what's going through your head," Niall said softly as he sat down next to the submissive.

"Can it just be us two talking?" Zayn whispered.

"Of course," Niall responded as he looked up at the other two dominants that were in the room. He nodded towards the door, Harry and Louis taking that as their cue to leave.

"Okay Zayn, are you ready to talk now?"

"Can I speak freely?"

"As long as you don't excessively swear at me, you can speak as freely as you want."

"Where do I begin? I feel like there wasn't anything really in particular that caused all of this," Zayn said.

"So start at the beginning of the day, five days ago, and then we can go from there."

"It was a normal day. Liam and I were both littles, we went to work with you, Louis, and Harry. But I guess Liam was more littler than me, because he got all of the fucking attention from Harry. He was being treated like a little baby. I got an attitude from Harry was being all nice nice towards Liam. And I'm guessing my attitude and swearing at Harry wasn't appreciated. After he spanked me in the parking lot, I decided I was going to ignore everyone. If you three really wanted to give someone attention, you could give it to Liam since he's liked more than me," Zayn explained.

"You spent the past five days in your room away from everyone because you are jealous? Why?"

"I am not jealous," Zayn grumbled.

"You know that the three of us try to give both of you equal amount of attention. There is no reason to ignore us just because you think one of you is getting more attention than the other."

"It is blatantly obvious you guys like Liam more, especially when he is littler than normal. You three, specifically Harry, gravitate towards him and leave me in the background. Then expect me not to have an attitude or anything."

"Swearing is unacceptable, which I know that is why daddy Harry was upset with you. And the fact that you went into the office as loud as possible when you were told to be quiet. Do you think any of that factors into this?"

"Well maybe."

"Would you have isolated yourself the past five days had you just listened to daddy Lou and I?"

"No," Zayn said quietly.

"Truthfully Zayn, why are we in this situation?" Niall questioned.

"Jealousy," Zayn mumbled.

"What should we do when we are feeling jealous?"

"Talk with one of you? I guess."

"That's exactly what you should do. Communication, communication, communication. Understood?"

"Yes daddy."

"Good boy, let's go repeat this conversation with your other daddies and Liam," Niall said as he stood up and grabbed Zayn's hand.

The two of them walked hand in hand into the living room. Where daddy H and daddy Lou were sitting on the couch, Liam in their laps.
Niall recapped the entire conversation to the three of them. In the end daddy Harry got up and wrapped Zayn into a hug and apologized for not giving him the attention he was giving Liam.


Haii there!!!

I originally had a whole other way I wanted this to go but then I got busy and I forgot what I was exactly going to write. So we get that instead.

I hope you guys liked it.

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Thank you

Love all of you


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