Chapter 34

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"Whenever you have an idea we get in trouble," Liam said after Zayn told him he had an idea for the both of them.

"Same thing happens whenever you have an idea too. And plus we wouldn't get in trouble because daddy Niall would be with us isn't that right daddy?"

"Just because I am with you guys doesn't mean anything. Especially when daddy H has already told you guys no before," Niall said as the three walked out the front door and began the walk to there destination.

"Not like he would punish you too," Liam said while he looked back at his daddy. "Or maybe he would," Liam said once he saw Niall's facial reaction.

"Why do you guys want to do this anyways, isn't this normally what girls do?" Niall asked.

"There is no gender when it comes to piercings. It's just body jewelry. And there is no gender when it comes to hair dye either. If I want purple hair and my belly button pierced then I'm going to do it," Zayn said. "Fück what anyone else thinks or says."

"And you Liam?" Niall asked, ignoring Zayn's swearing.

"I'm just getting my eyebrow pierced."

"So why did you want me to come with you guys?"

"Because we won't get in as much trouble with having one of our daddies with us, I believe," Zayn responded as they got to the hair salon. After Zayn's hair was dyed, the three made there way to the tattoo shop to get the piercings they wanted. Once everything was all done the three decided to walk around downtown to kill time before going home.

Niall was pretty certain Harry was going to be pissed as soon as they walked through the door. Especially with himself, because he was with the two twinks and allowed them to do what they did. It may seem like nothing to others, but the two submissives have been told before that they were not allowed to alter their bodies in any way shape or form. Their bodies obviously are their own, but they are also owned by the dominants and what the dominants say is basically law.



"Can we go home now, I'm uhm tired," Liam said while he was looking behind him.

Niall looked in the direction Liam was and saw Harry and Louis standing next to a vehicle, looking around frantically. Niall took his phone out of his pocket and saw he had multiple missed messages and calls from both men. They probably wouldn't have been out looking for them, had they told the two men were they were going.

"Sure, let's go," the three went in the opposite direction of Harry and Louis. Niall knowing he would regret it later, same with the two submissives. Niall figured out that Louis or Harry had pinged his location to figure out where they were at. So he turned the location off on his phone and the three walked home, slower than normal.

When they got home one of Harry's vehicles were in the driveway, signifying the two men were home, and the front door was wide open. The three made there way into the house where Louis and Harry were sitting on the couch, waiting impatiently.

"How many times am I going to have to tell you both you are not allowed to alter your bodies at all?!?" Harry yelled as soon as he saw sight of the two twinks.

"If I want purple hair and my belly button pierced I am going to do it. I don't give a fück what anyone says," Zayn repeated what he said earlier.

"Do not swear at us. Did you forget who you and your body belongs to?" Louis asked.

"Daddy Niall obviously doesn't think it's a big deal, he went with us," Liam said as he placed his hands behind his back.

"I see that and I will deal with him later. Right now we are talking about you two. When you two asked if you could do what you obviously went out and got done anyways I told you no. Now why in the world do you think you would get away with deliberately disobeying me?" Harry asked.

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