Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

"What!"Natsu exclaimed in surprise when he came back the next day. They've just completed a job and just came back last night. He was about to greet me when he saw me but his eyes grew wide when he saw Gray with me.

"Calm down Natsu," I said. Gray's arm was wrapped around me protectively and I can tell that he's wishing that he could just knock the consciousness out of Natsu and just shut him up. I would like that too but I chose to explain this to him first.

"But you and that pervert are together. How could that possibly happen?" he asked confused.

"Shut up flame-brain," said Gray.

I turned to Gray "I'll just talk to him for a second, okay?"

He sigh "Fine," he eyed Natsu and took his arm off of me. I stood up and dragged Natsu in a corner.

"It's not real," I began "Gray is under a love spell that Juvia made but it kind of made him fall in love with me than with her,"

"But you're together," he said.

I let out a frustrated sigh "Juvia is finding a way to reverse this spell and turn things back to normal. I just have to act like a nice girlfriend to him in the meantime. I promised Juvia that I'll take care of him and I'm not planning on hurting him. He is my friend,"

Natsu finally smiled "Alright, it's just weird and it certainly caught me off guard when I saw him looking at you like you're the most important person in the world for him. You know, if I didn't know that he's under a love spell, I would have believed that he's really in love with you,"

"That's how love potion works," I said as I looked back at Gray. He was now at the bar and talking to Mirajane. I faced Natsu again "I'd better go to him. See you around, Natsu,"

"Okay," he replied.

I walked towards Gray and when he saw me, he smiled. I sat beside him. He ordered my usual drink from Mirajane, who was looking at us like she might pass out any minute. I already told her that this is just pretend but she said that she's still happy for me and Gray. She said that she always knew that we'd end up together.

"What did Natsu say?" asked Gray.

I smiled "First he was confused but after I explained everything to him, he said that he's happy for us,"

Gray smiled "I'm glad," he held my hand "Do you want to go out?"

I laughed "We just got on a date yesterday,"

"Well today is different and I want to spend every minute with you," he said. He stood up and pulled me out of the guild. We just walked around and enjoyed the fine weather. We bought food when I told him that I was hungry and ate it again in the park. I was resting my back on a cherry blossom tree and Gray was resting his head on my lap. It was so peaceful. I watched the children playing on the park and I smiled.

"You really look pretty when you smile," I heard Gray say.

I look down on him "Don't flatter me now, prince charming,"

He smiled too and raised his head. I was frozen and watched him as he neared his face to mine. Oh God, he's going to kiss me, I thought. I closed my eyes but opened them again when I felt his lips on my forehead.

"I like you," he whispered.

My heart suddenly started to beat fast and my chest began to ache. His face was near mine that I can feel his breath. He suddenly sat up beside me and I let out a shaking breath. I didn't know that I was holding my breath. I glance at him and saw that he was watching the kids play. We didn't say anything for a while and I have to admit that I enjoyed the silence between us. I don't know what to say to him. I don't want to lie and say that I like him too. But I also don't want to lie to myself by saying that I like him even if I don't, not in that way. I just don't want to hurt him. He stood up and held his hand out to me. I took it and he pulled me up.

"We should get back to the guild. I stole you from your friends again and I don't want them to think that I'm just keeping you to myself although that's really what I want to do," he said as he smiled.


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