Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to Rose Ann Alvarez. Happy Birthday, young pork! Stay awesome!
I opened my eyes and closed them again when the bright rays of sunshine hit my face. After a few seconds, I tried to open them again. Thankfully, my eyes finally adjusted to the light. I was in a room and I was alone. I look for my keys right away and was relieved to know that they are lying on top of the bedside table. So, Fiora didn’t take them away. Somehow it made me feel glad. Loki suddenly appeared in front of me. He looks worried.

“How are you?” he asked “You’ve been asleep for almost 3 days,”

“3 days? Oh no, we have to get back to Fairy Tail immediately. They must be worried about us,” I said as I began to panic.

“Don’t worry, I already sent a letter to Master Makarov and told him not to worry about you,” Loki explained.

“Thank you, so where are Fiora and Edmund?” I asked.

“After you fell unconscious, Fiora did too. Edmund was the one who talked to her. It seems like she fell tired after consuming a lot of her magic. They’re in the next room. Edmund has a friend who helped us, I think his name is Tern. This is his house,” said Loki.

“I see,” I answered “Is Fiora alright?”

Loki nodded “Yeah, she’s still asleep but she’s alright. How about you? Are you sure that you’re fine?”

I smiled at Loki “I’m sure, Loki. I’m glad that Edmund managed to calm her down. I don’t know what I’ll do if that plan didn’t work out,”

Loki smiled “I knew you can do it. So do you want to have breakfast? Edmund said that he wants to talk to you once you’re awake,”
Edmund came to my room after I ate my breakfast. It was already noon and the sun is high up in the sky.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he sat down on a chair.

“I feel fine, thank you. What about you?” I asked.

He smiled “It’s thanks to you that I’m still here right now. You saved me and Fiora too. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what might have happened,”

“I’m glad that you’re both alright. So Loki said that you want to talk to me,”

He nodded “First I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done. And I want to apologize for causing you too much trouble. Don’t worry Lucy. I have the antidote for Gray,” he handed me a small bottle, filled with blue liquid.

I took it “Thank you so much, Edmund. I can finally cure Gray,”

Edmund smiled “Yeah, that potion cures any illness or complications a person has. I’m sure that it can cure Gray. And I also want to tell you that we’re going away after this,”

I look at Edmund “What do you mean?”

“Well, Fiora told me that she wants me to teach her on how to control her powers or specifically her emotions. She really wants to control it, Lucy. I returned her memory last night. When she wakes up, I know she’ll understand everything,” Edmund said “Tern owns an island not far from Fiore. He said that we could stay there while we train. I know that it would be hard but at least she’s trying,”

“But you’ll visit here sometimes, right? It would really be great if we guys could hang out,” I said as I give Edmund a smile.

He smiled too “I think that would be a good idea,” he stood up “I’m really glad that I met you, Lucy Heartfilia. I’ll see you soon,”
I let another day passed before I decided to go back home to Fairy Tail. Fiora is well now but she doesn’t really talk to me. She only talks to Edmund but I can see and I can tell that she’s changed somehow. She wasn’t the same empty person I know.

Edmund, Tern and Fiora went with me to the train station. I have Gray’s antidote in my bag, secure and safe. All three of them were wearing cloaks except for Fiora who kept her hood, covering her face.

“Well, this is your stop. Be careful, Lucy” Edmund said.
I smiled “Thank you. I hope I can see you soon,” I glanced at Fiora but I can’t tell if she’s even looking at me. I turned back to Edmund “When will you go to the island?”

“We have to stock up on supplies first. I think we can go after 3 days,” answered Tern.

“I see, I hope you guys have a safe journey and don’t forget to keep in touch, okay?” I turned to Fiora “I think this is goodbye then,”

She finally looked up and our eyes met. Whoa, her eyes even changed. Last time they were dark violet but now it was a beautiful shade of light violet. She looks more beautiful this way.

“I hate goodbyes since it makes me feel as if we’ll never see each other again,” she answered “And I also want to apologize for everything. I’m such an idiot for doing without thinking the consequences of my actions. Hey, after my training and once I can control my powers, do you think we can start over again?”

I smiled at her “Of course. I didn’t understand everything back then but now I do. And I’m really looking forward to that day, Fiora,”

A smile finally found a way to her face. And it was a genuine one. She grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug.

“Thank you, Lucy. You gave me back my life,” she whispered.

“I didn’t do it alone, you know. I had help along the way,” I replied.

She pulled away from me “I know and I have to treasure him. I’ll see you again, Lucy Heartfilia,”

“I’ll see you again too,”

I finally uploaded this chapter after I don't know a month, maybe? Anyway, thank you for all of you who never gets tired to wait for my updates. You guys are amazing!

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