Chapter 14

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That revelation actually hit me like a bomb. I stared at Fiora as she walked around the church again. I have so many questions to ask her that I don't know which one to ask first. Probably sensing my shock, Fiora turned around and looked at me.

"What?" she asked "If you want to ask something, you better start now. I don't have much time and you don't either,"

I let out a breath "How did you know that you lost your memory? I mean, it's your memory, nobody can take it from you,"

She rolled her eyes "That man who attacked my village did. I don't remember much about him since he's the one who took my memory away from me. But luckily, one person from my village survived and told me everything that had happened. He took care of me. I was 13 years old when I lost my memory. I can't remember anything from my childhood. Yes, I know my name is Fiora Cole but I feel empty. It's as if someone took a part of me and hid it away. I can't even remember my parents, even my family. But Eddie took care of me. He told me everything. Of course I don't remember my village so I didn't actually feel anything as he told me how our village was attacked and destroyed. It was as if he was just telling me a bedtime story,"

"I didn't know you had such a tragic past. I'm sor—

"Don't apologize, Lucy," she said, cutting me off "After all, I don't feel pain, regret, longing, depression, sadness and all those petty emotions. I told you that I'm empty,"

"But what do my keys have to do with bringing your memory back?" I asked.

"Well, I heard a rumour that if you complete the 12 zodiac keys, the Spirit King will grant you one wish. I don't need anything else in the world. I just want my memory back," she answered.

But that was just a rumour and she's not even sure that it's true. I look at her "But why did you have to do that to Gray? You could've come directly to me. I can talk to you about it and maybe I can even help you,"

"Where's the fun in that? And I know that you won't give me your keys if I asked for them. Your keys can do many things but once a wizard who doesn't specializes in celestial magic used them, they'd be gone forever,"

I shivered when she said that. How can she talk about these things and not feel anything? I feel sad for her but she's right and I hate to admit it. There's no way I can give her my keys. I just can't do it.

"I'm sorry but I can't give you my keys, Fiora," I said "Maybe we can find another way,"

She chuckled "There's no way,"

She suddenly sent a strong gust of wind at me that I toppled over. My back hit the cold floor of the church. I felt the pain escalating inside me but I endured it. I stood up slowly and held Loki's key in my hand.

Fiora smiled "I really like that spirit. He's not easy to control and they say that he's the most stubborn one out of all the spirits. That's the reason why I wanted to have him first. I need to tame the leader before I moved on to the others, right?"

My fist hardened. I really hate it whenever she talks about my spirits like they're some kind of soldiers "Stop talking about spirits like that. They're not objects, they have feelings and I'm not going to let you get your hands on them,"

Loki's key began to glow as I was about to open his gate while Fiora took a defensive posture. The wind around us started to take up speed too. I opened Loki's gate and held my whip in my other hand. I was shaking but I can't let Fiora see that. Your emotions can be used as a weapon against you. I need to make sure that Fiora won't find another weapon in order for her to get the upper-hand in this fight. I need to win.

"That's enough,"

Fiora and I stopped at that new voice. I turned around and found Edmund Reed behind me. I was surprised to see him and I can see that Fiora is too. But there was something in the way that she looks at Edmund that made me feel as if she knew him and I can tell the same for Edmund.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I thought that he was asking me but his eyes were focused on Fiora. Fiora was looking at him coldly but I saw respect and fear in her eyes.

"Get out of here. This is none of your business," Fiora answered in a hard tone.

Edmund looked at me and then at Loki. He then turned back to Fiora "Do you really have to go this far? I told you I'd help you get your memory back but I never said that you involved people in this. I thought I already told you to stop going after the zodiac keys?"

"Don't tell me what to do!" Fiora's voice rang through the silence. "You're not the one whose memory is taken. You don't understand what I feel,"

Edmund's lips tightened. He didn't answer back but instead turned to me "I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I'll take Fiora and leave,"

"Who are you?" I asked him. "You're name is not Edmund, am I right?"

He shook his head "I am Edmund Reed," he looked at Fiora "Fiora is the only one who calls me Eddie,"

"I see, but you can't leave yet. My friend was poisoned and he's dying. I need to get the antidote from Fiora," I answered.

Edmund's face hardened "You used the poison on a human being? How could you do that?"

"I was desperate, okay?" Fiora shouted back "I want my memory back and I will do anything to get it back,"

"You've already gone too far, Fiora. Stop this now and just give the antidote to Lucy. Enough," Edmund said.

Fiora didn't answer and just stared at Edmund. The wind around her started to take up speed. She breathed and the chandelier fell down and crashed to the floor. I moved away and so did Edmund.

"I don't want to hurt you, Eddie. Just leave me alone," Fiora said. Even though she was saying those words, her face and her voice is empty. She really can't feel anything, can she?

"Stay back, Lucy. She's about to do something," said Loki as he stood in front of me to cover me from Fiora.

"Stop this, Fiora. Enough already," shouted Edmund.

The wind blew stronger this time that I have to grab Loki's arm in order for me to not get drag by it. I glanced at Edmund but he was just standing there, still looking at Fiora. He was saying something but I can't hear it because of the wind. The sound is painful to my ears. I closed my eyes. There was a loud crash and then someone shouted. I tried to open my eyes again but it was no use. The wind was too strong; it was almost like I'm inside a hurricane.

"Loki!" I shouted, hoping that Loki can hear me "Loki, let's get out of here. The wind is too strong, the church might collapse!"

Loki carried me in his arms and he ran outside of the church. After making sure that we are in a safe distance, he put me down gently. I turned back to the church. It was already collapsing because of the impact of Fiora's winds. I saw Edmund backing away from the church followed by Fiora who was looking at him darkly. She was out of the church but she was just standing there, not moving. Something is definitely wrong with her. Her eyes were darker and they were actually glowing. What was happening?

Edmund reached us and he was panting "Get out of here, Lucy. She's dangerous. She can't control her actions. She can really kill you,"

"What do you mean?" I asked, clearly confused.

"Nobody took Fiora's memory. I was the one who hid it,"


Okay, you guys are probably confused right now. Why did Edmund hid Fiora's memory? What is really his connection to her? 

All that would be answered in the next chap!

Ciao minna!

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