Chapter 23

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Gray's POV:

What is she saying? I stared at Lucy to make sure that she's not kidding and her brown eyes stared back at me seriously. Damn it, I don't even know what to say to her. I look like an idiot, just staring at her and not coming up with an appropriate reply.

"You don't have to say anything Gray," said Lucy "I know you're confused but please just let me explain,"

I nodded at her and urged for her to go on and explain this to me. She let out a breath and stared at the ground. I just look at her and waited until she raised her head again and met my eyes.

When did her eyes became this sad? This isn't the Lucy I know. I'm not used to this Lucy and I don't want to see this kind of Lucy.

"It all started with a love potion," she began "Juvia made you one, like she always does, but this time her love potion actually worked. But it took effect on you when you saw me that morning when you asked me to go on a mission with you. We started dating for a while until Fio- I mean that thief that you want to capture attacked both of us one night and poisoned you. You were in a coma and I didn't know what to do until that thief sent me a note saying that she has the antidote for you and in order for me to get it I need to go to Crocus which I did. Thankfully, I got the antidote for you and it cured you. What I didn't expect was for you to also get cured from that love potion,"

I didn't say anything for a while. All of those things happened to me and I don't even remember them? I dated Lucy? Well she is pretty and kind but she's my teammate and my friend.

That's why she was acting weird these days. It's because she was feeling awkward around me. But I'm thankful that she went through all those trouble to get me the antidote. And I'm also feeling guilty because if anything did happen to her, I would really blame myself.

"Thank you," I murmured as I avoided looking at her eyes "So Juvia started all this and you didn't expect me to get cured of that love potion, huh?"

"It's not Juvia's fault. She just likes you so much that is why she did it. Please don't take this out on her. Anyway, I am glad that you're cured but it's just so sudden and unexpected that it caught me off guard when you woke up and you don't even remember that you love me," she answered "Not that you really love me but you know what I mean,"

I let out a breath "So, what are we going to do now?" I look at her "Where is that thief anyway? I want to make her pay for what she did,"

"It's alright now. She was strong but Loki and I defeated her,"

I let out a breath "Of course you did, you're stronger than you look,"

She lowered her eyes again and I don't know why but I feel like she's about to cry. When her eyes met mine again they were a little watery but all of that vanished when she blinked and flashed me a smile.

"So Gray, do you want to break up?" she asked.

"Oh, so we're still going out," I cleared my throat "What about you? Is it okay if we break up?"

"Of course, you didn't really like me when we started to go out; it was just the love potion acting. But I just want you to know that even though you really didn't like me, I enjoyed our dates. I got to see a new side of you and I liked that side. You're an ice mage but you can be really warm inside,"

"Why do I feel like you're saying goodbye to me right now? Like I'm never going to see you again?"

"What are you talking about, idiot?" she said as she furrowed her eyebrows at me "I'm right here and I'll always be right here,"

"Right, we'll thank you for telling me the truth," I looked around the park "Is this where we had our first date?"

Her cheeks turned red "Yeah, it rained though but we both didn't mind it. That's also when I realized that you can be really sweet,"

Now it's my turn to blush. I cleared my throat and turned around "Alright, I'm going back to the guild now,"

"Yeah, see you,"

I started to walk away from the park. At least it became clear to me what really happened. So that's why everybody is acting weird, huh? Wow, I dated Lucy? Not anyone can get a date with her since she always refused because she wants to focus on her jobs. I guess I am lucky that I dated her, but maybe not since I can't even remember what we did together. But she said that she enjoyed our dates so maybe I did something right to make her feel happy.

"Quit smiling like an idiot,"

I stopped on my tracks and turned to that voice. Natsu. He was frowning at me and he looks like he was irritated just by looking at me. But now I understand why he feels that way.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was going to ask you the same question," he answered "Have you seen Lucy? I thought she might be here,"

"Yeah, I talked to her," I said "I know what happened. She told me. And I know why you're irritated at me right now,"

He furrowed her eyebrows "She did? And she said not to tell you," he let out a breath "So what are you going to do about it droopy-eyes?"

"Do about what?" I asked confused.

"Damn, I thought she was an idiot but you're a bigger idiot than her," he grinned at me "Well, if you continue to be like this, you're just going to continue hurting her,"

Now I was confused "What the hell are you talking about, flame brain?"

He shrugged "You're not blind are you? Figure it out yourself,"



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