Chapter 26

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Gray's POV:

3 weeks. It has already been 3 weeks since Lucy confessed to me and 3 weeks since I turned her down. After that, I didn't even know how to face her anymore. When I first saw her at the guild in her usual spot at the bar, I suddenly had the urge to hide from her. But she saw me and she actually smiled.

She acted as if nothing happened and she didn't just tell me that she likes me. I know I should be relieved that she's acting normally again. But why do I feel like she's just pretending? Whenever she smiles, I know she's just forcing herself. She doesn't meet my eyes and when she does for even just a second, she looks like she's about to cry.

And right now, I'm looking at her again. She's at the bar and talking with Levy. She was smiling but it was forced. She really cares about her friends so much that she doesn't want them to worry over her.

Levy finally left and she was alone again. She finished her strawberry shake and then got up from her seat. And to my utter disbelief, she walked towards me.

"Hey, is something wrong?" she asked as she sat down beside me.

I furrowed my eyebrows "No, why would you think that?"

She bit her lower lip "Well, you've been staring....

She stopped and her cheeks turned into a dark shade of red. I smirked; she's really cute when she blushes.

Did I really just think that?

She coughed and cleared her throat.
" you want something?' she asked "Levy said that you've...umm..I mean, you've been looking...Levy said this to me and I know she just misunderstood it but...umm..

"Yes, I've been completely staring at you, Lucy," I admitted, cutting her off.

Her eyes widened and she blushed even more. My smile returned again. I just realized it now but I do like making her blushed.

"May I know why?" she asked, as she avoided looking at me.

"Hmm...I didn't know it's now forbidden to look at someone who's pretty," I teased "You look really cute when you blush, Lucy,"

"You know, if you keep saying things like that, I might just assume that you like me," she said quietly.

Now it's my turn to be quiet. What am I doing? Great, I just made things awkward again than it already is. I glanced at Lucy and she still has her head down and still avoiding looking at me.

"Sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?" I asked her.

"A little bit," she admitted.


I feel like a complete diot. Here she was treating me just how I wanted and here I was ruining it. What an awesome idea to make things awkward again, Gray. You really are stupid.

She glanced at me and then broke into a smile "You should've seen your face right now. Your expression is priceless," She finally laughed.

"Are you just teasing me?"

"Well, you're the one who started it first," she answered back as she laughed again.

I furrowed my eyebrows and was about to come up with a snarky comeback but stopped when I saw her smile. Finally, she wasn't forcing herself. I noticed her bangs covering her face and as if on instinct, I reached out and tucked it behind her ear. She suddenly stopped laughing as she looked at me. Realizing what I just did, I pulled back my hand and cleared my throat.

"Sorry," I whispered as I avoided looking at her.

Why do I always seem to apologize when I'm talking to her? And right now I feel like I did something idiotic again.

"No problem. You used to do that when you're still under that love potion. I guess some things can't be forgotten that easily," she stood up "I'd better go now. See you around,"

I nodded as I watch her go out of the guild. I used to do that? So that's why I had this urge to touch her, because my actions remember but not my mind. What other things did I used to do? I want to know them and I want to remember them. Maybe if I remember, I'd mind my actions around Lucy more and not do things that will make her uncomfortable. I don't want to see her reaction again when I touched her.

It was a mixture of longing and hurt. She remembers everything and I'm the idiot who doesn't remember even one memory. I don't want to see her like that. I don't want to see her fighting back her tears every time I do something stupid to her.


"What do you want, Natsu?"

"Quit being rude, and I'm just here to tell you that you look extra ugly today," he snickered.

"You wanna pick a fight, you idiot," I glared at him.

He yawned "Nah, I just came from a mission and I thought Lucy was here. But instead I saw you. Have you seen here around?"

"Why do you want to see her?" I snapped. That came out harsh and demanding. And Natsu probably noticed it since he grinned.

"You jealous?"

Wait, was I? But I can't be and I don't have the right to be. I am not her boyfriend and she can see any guy she wants. But Natsu isn't just any guy. He's closer to Lucy than any of us. And he's Natsu.

"Wait, so you really are jealous?" Natsu asked in disbelief.

I furrowed my eyebrows "Shut up stupid and I'm not jealous," I stood up from my seat "I'll go now before I decide to pick a fight with you,"

"Whatever, but you better figure out what you feel, Gray. There are many men out there who have an eye out for Lucy. She's not gonna stay available for long,"

I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I already know that but I can't seem to decide what I really want.

I continued on my way and left the guild. I need to calm down and not make a big deal about what Natsu said even though it's bothering me. I know that Lucy's pretty and she's one of the kindest person I know. Every man would be lucky to even get her attention. I already said no to her but why does the thought of seeing her with another man bothers me so much?

Just thinking about it makes me angry. But as always, I cast aside these feelings and paid no heed to them. Lucy's a friend and it's just a natural instinct that you feel protective of your friends. This is natural for me and I shouldn't make a big deal out of it.

Lucy's POV:

"Are you sure about this?" asked Master Makarov.

I nodded "I need time and a lot of space. This town and the guild reminds me too much of him,"

Master finally nodded "Alright, if that's what you want then I'm not going to stop you,"

"Thank you, Master,"

Clutching the folded paper that I got from the request board tightly in my hand, I went out of his office and back into my apartment. I need to do this. Maybe this mission will finally help me move on from everything.

But as I packed my things for the mission, I can't help but cry at the thought of forgetting all the feelings I have for one certain raven-haired ice mage.

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