Chapter 28

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Gray's POV:

I practically ran to the guild and didn't stop until I was in front of Master Makarov. He was wearing a poker face and even everyone in the guild is avoiding looking at me.

Juvia and Levy are there but their eyes are red and there were dark circles under them. It looks like they've been crying nonstop. Where the hell is Lucy?

"So, where is she?" I asked in a calm voice. Having a rampage in here won't do me any good if I didn't have any information about Lucy first.

"She's not coming back, Gray. But don't worry she's alright," answered Master Makarov.

"Then where is she, old man? Do you expect me to believe that she's fine?" I was already yelling "If she is, then she should've come here after her job!"

"Gray, watch what you call the master," said Erza sternly.

"I don't care!" I looked at the old man sharply "Where is she?"

"The job was a lie. There wasn't any job. Levy and Juvia escorted Lucy to where she is going. She wanted to leave so I allowed her. She didn't tell us where she is going but she assured us that she's staying with a friend," Master explained.

"What?" I was surprised and I guess everyone is too, except for Levy and Juvia "Why would she leave?"

"I guess the reason is obvious enough," answered the master as he avoided my eyes.

I chuckled, a bitter one "So, she does hate me that much, huh?"

"No, she doesn't. She hated herself because she fell for a man who will never view her as something more than a friend," answered Levy "And that man just happens to be one of her best friends. I told her she shouldn't make a big deal out of it but she won't listen. She wants to forget about everything,"

I clinched my hands into a fist "Why does she want to handle this alone? And she didn't wait for me to confess?"

Everyone's eyes widened in shocked and in utter disbelief.

"You mean, you like her too?" asked Levy.

I nodded "But that doesn't matter now, right? She's not here and I don't think I'll ever see her again,"

I walked away and went out of the guild. I kept walking with no certain destination. I want to punch myself for not realizing what I feel about her sooner. I want to turn back the time and tell her what I really feel. Idiot, Gray. You're the most idiotic idiot of all idiots.

I looked up and found that I am in the park and looming above me, covering me from the harsh rays of the sun was the cherry blossom tree.

I remembered what she said to me when we were at the guild before she went away.

"You know, if you keep saying things like that, I might just assume that you like me,"

God, I hope I just could've told her that she was right. I already like her and I was falling for her hard; but damn me, for apologizing for lying and denying what I feel.

If I ever see her again, I swear I am not going to run away and deny what I feel again. When that time comes, I'll make sure that the whole world will be able to hear how much I love Lucy Heartfilia.


So Lucy did leave but will she ever come back? Will this story get the happy ending it deserves?

What do you think reader?


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