Chapter 17

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I flinched when I heard Natsu and Happy. I went to the guild right after I went to my apartment. It was already night time but I want to see Gray and all of our friends. I think they must be worried since I've been gone for a few days and didn't even tell them where I went.

I smiled "Hey,"

Happy hugged me tightly "We were so worried about you. You didn't even tell us where you went,"

Tears were now streaming from his eyes that I can't help but cry too. I hugged him tightly. All of our other friends came and told me how worried they've been.

Erza and Natsu even organized a search party for me. They really thought that Fiora captured me and is now torturing me. I just smiled at them and told them that I was fine.

"But you didn't really tell us where you went Lucy," said Natsu.

"I went to get a cure for Gray," I answered.

"Really? But why didn't you tell us? We could've helped you," said Erza.

"There was so much at stake, Erza. I can't ask for help. I need to get the antidote alone,"

"We're glad you're here. We've all been so worried," said Wendy.

I smiled "I'm sorry for worrying all of you. But it's a good thing that I got the antidote," I looked around "Where's Gray?"

Everyone kept quiet and didn't even stutter a single word. I grew nervous because they all looked like as if someone just died. I tried to catch Natsu's gaze, but he was avoiding me. I can say the same for Erza and the rest of them.

"Where's Gray?" I repeated.

"He's in the infirmary," answered Master Makarov "He's growing weak. Do you have the antidote?"

I nodded and showed the antidote to Master Makarov "I have it,"

I didn't wait for anyone to answer as I ran to the infirmary. As soon as I saw Gray, tears started to fall from my eyes. He was sweating and his hands were clinched in a fist. His body is shaking too much. Porlyusica is in the room but she's looking sadly at Gray. I ran to his side and held his hand.

"I'm here Gray. I have the antidote for you,"

He didn't answer and just continued to wreathe in agony. I turned to Master Makarov and Porlyusica.

"I have the antidote. Please cure him,"

Porlyusica took the antidote from me "I'm sure this will cure him. Now I want all of you to get out of this room and wait outside. It's better if there's no one here when I cure him,"

I took one last glance at Gray "You'll be alright now, Gray. Hang in there,"

Even though I wanted to stay by his side, I followed my friends outside and waited. Everyone was quiet as we wait for any news about Gray. I can hear his painful grunts. I want to stay by his side and hold his hand but I couldn't. I have to wait.
Hey guys! Sorry for this short chapter. I have exams this week so I'm pretty busy. I'll try to update again within this week.

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