Chapter 21

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Lucy's POV:

"Lucy, are you alright?" asked Levy.

I think it was already the 17th time she asked me that question since I arrived on the guild this morning. I admit that I still don't feel well because of what happened but I don't want them to see me sad. I'll force myself to be happy even if I really wanted to cry.

Gray is alright now and that's all that matters. He may have forgotten about how he was in love with me but at least he's fine.

I nodded "Yeah, why?"

"I don't know," she answered "Oh right, did you find out how Gray was cured of that love potion?"

Right, I haven't given much thought about that. I thought hard and tried to remember. Then Edmund's words crossed my mind when he gave me the antidote for Gray.

'That potion cures any illness or complications a person has'

Of course, that was the perfect answer. But I can't tell Levy about that. Nobody knows where I went to get that potion except for Master Makarov and I promised Edmund that I would keep our encounter a secret.

"I guess that potion can cure anything," I answered "What did you do to the potion you were making anyway?"

"Well, we haven't really started on it yet since we first researched on the antidote that can cure Gray of that poison," she answered.

I nodded "I see, so everything is going to return to the way it was, right?"

"I guess so but not everything,"

I looked at her, confused "What do you mean?"

"I know you didn't really mean it but you fell inlove with Gray, right?" she stated "At first I thought that you were just good in acting like you're really inlove with him but when I saw you looking at him in that bed when he was poisoned, I knew in an instant that you already love him. And you know what Lucy, I think you've liked him from the beginning but it was just shrouded in the cloud of your friendship,"

I didn't answer her as I felt my eyes watering again. All she is saying is true. I want to shout and yell to the whole world that I love Gray but then again, I can't and I won't. I don't want to ruin that one thing that we always had from the beginning; our friendship.

After talking with Levy, I decided to walk around the town. I need to clear my head and actually start to resume my life. I've been so occupied with feeling miserable that I forgot that I still need to keep moving. Just like what Gray said, we won't be able to move in the future if we keep looking back at our past.

I let out a sigh, I really need to stop remembering Gray in everything I do or think about.

I stop in my tracks when I reached the park. I walked a bit more until I reached the spot where Gray and I had our first date. My body stiffened when I saw him there. I was about to turn around and leave when he called my name.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked as I keep my voice casual.

"I don't even know, I was just walking around when I felt like I need to come here," he answered "What about you?"

"I like coming here," I walked closer until I stopped in front of him.

The wind softly blew as silence took over us. Gray was looking at me as if he's figuring out if I'm really standing here and talking to him. But then again, I didn't look away. I miss it. I miss looking at him and him doing the same to me.

I can't see the usual warmth his eyes have whenever he looks at me when he was still under that potion. Right now, I see nothing in his eyes and I'm hit with the painful truth again that he doesn't remember anything. Unable to control it, I looked away from him as I felt my tears demanding to escape.

I heard him sigh and when I glanced at him, he was looking directly into my eyes.

"Lucy, do you hate me?"


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