Chapter 13

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The dawn was finally breaking when I reach Crocus. I was wearing a cloak and a hood was covering my head that I look pretty mysterious. Crocus is the capital of Fiore so even if it's still early in the morning; many people are already getting busy. I decided to stay at a pub before going to the church, Fiora mentioned in her letter. I know where it is so it won't be so hard on me.

I was sitting on a chair alone when I saw two men enter through the door. They were obviously wizards. They sat down in the bar counter and ordered their drinks.

"Hey Edmund, do you think we will find what we're looking for here? We've been travelling for at least a month now," said the other guy. He was tall with spiky blonde hair and blue eyes.

"I'm not sure Tern, but I have a feeling that we're going to see her," said Edmund "And when we do see her, I'll make sure that she'll never get away from me again," his hands were clinched in a fist and the way he said those words made me shiver a little. He looks like he's ready to kill someone.

He suddenly turned to me and when our eyes met, his eyebrows furrowed. He cleared his throat and moved towards me. I straightened in my seat and tried to stop myself from shaking. Edmund is intimidating.

"You're from Fairy Tail?"

I nodded in confusion "Yeah, how did you know that?" he didn't see my insignia when I saw him.

"Your aura, Fairy Tail wizards always have that particular aura," he said "My name is Edmund Reed and I'm a wizard too,"

"I'm Lucy Heartfilia," I said.

"I see, so what brings a Fairy Tail wizard to Crocus?" he asked.

I don't know if I should answer him or even if I could trust this man in front of me. For all I know, he must be one of Fiora's spies. But I have to say something or I'll look suspicious.

"I'm here on a job," I answered. It was the most reasonable answer I can come up with.

His eyes light up in curiosity "A job? What kind of a job? Maybe I can help you. You see, I'm here on a job too,"

I tried to read his eyes, but he's really good in masking his emotions and his intentions. I cleared my throat "I'm trying to find someone,"

"What a coincidence Ms. Heartfilia, I'm looking for someone too," he answered.

"I see," I stood up from my seat "Well, I hope you find what you're looking for. It's really nice to meet you but I have to go now,"

Edmund smiled "Until we meet again Ms. Heartfilia,"

I waved goodbye at him and went out of the pub. The warm rays of the sun hit my face as I went out of the pub and into the busy streets of Crocus. I walked a few steps away from the pub and after making sure that no one is following me, I broke into a run towards the church.

I don't really know what to expect when I arrive there. I don't even know if Fiora will show herself to me so easily. I admit that I'm nervous. My hands were really shaking on my way here in Crocus. I want to get that antidote for Gray but I also want to go back to Fairy Tail with my keys still with me. I can't imagine a life without my spirits. They're like family to me.

I already asked for Wendy's help when she arrived from her mission a few days ago but she can't cure Gray. She even cried and apologized to me a hundred times already but I already told her that it was fine. So I guess it was up to me to get the antidote for Gray.

I stopped running when I saw the roof of the church in the distance. I catch my breath as I look around. There's nothing suspicious here and it's quiet and calm. Wait, it's too quiet. I was still outside but I can't feel the wind blowing. I continued to walk until I arrived on the front door of the church. It was old and it seems like it can go down in any minute. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The noise of it opening rang through the silence. It was almost creepy. I step inside the church and search for Fiora right away.

"Show yourself, Fiora. I'm here," I said loudly.

The wind blew "I didn't expect that you'd fall into my trap so easily, Lucy. I thought that you're smarter than this,"

I look up and saw her standing on the chandelier. I clinched my hands into a fist "Enough nonsense, Fiora. I didn't come here to talk. I came here for the antidote,"

She jumped from the chandelier and landed gracefully on the ground. She faced me "Why are you in such a hurry? You just got here and I want to play longer,"

"I don't have time for your games, Fiora. One of my friends is dying and I need to save him. I need that antidote," I said as I looked at her straight in the eyes.

She didn't answer as she began to walk around. I just observed her every move. I don't know why but I feel like she's nervous or something. And she keeps looking at the door as if someone or something might burst through it at any second.

She suddenly stopped "You know, I never really told you the reason why I want your keys,"

That caught me off guard. Why would she want to share that information with me? We're not even friends and she's the reason why Gray is dying. But I didn't say anything as she continued to walk around. The soft echoes of her shoes, tapping on the floor rang loudly in the room.

She stopped again and sighed "You see, I need your keys to bring back something that's very important to me,"

I furrowed my eyebrows as I look at her in curiosity "What is it?"

She looked at me with her dark violet eyes and it was like she was staring right at my soul.

"My memory,"

Tada!!!..Another interesting revelation about Fiora...So many questions in just one chapter. Who is Edmund Reed? Is he a friend or another foe?

Sorry for the slow updates guys. I'm pretty busy right now but still thank you for being patient!

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