Chapter 20

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Let me start this chapter by saying sorry for not updating for a long while.
But I've already worked out the ending for this fanfic and I just need to write them. Thankfully, our semestral break's just around the corner so maybe I'll have the time to write.
Let me give you a heads up for the ending: it ain't pretty
So here you go minna!

Gray’s POV:

It was early morning and I was going to the guild. It has already been a week since Porlyusica already let me out of the infirmary after she made me stay there for another two more days. I already missed much time of my life and I want to find the person who did that to me. I know that Master Makarov said that he’s going to find the one responsible for this but why do I feel like he’s keeping something away from me? And I can’t shake that uncomfortable feeling as if I forgot something, really important.

I finally arrived in the guild and opened the door. The first thing I noticed was Natsu, Happy, Erza, Lucy, Wendy and Carla not being there. I furrowed my eyebrows as I went to sit by the bar. Mirajane greeted me and gave me my usual drink.

“Where is everyone?” I asked.

“Oh, Erza went on a job. Wendy and Carla did too and I think Natsu is at Lucy’s house,” she answered.

“I see,” I said as I roamed my eyes at the guild. My eyes suddenly caught a familiar blue-haired mage. It was Juvia and she was talking with Levy. They both wore sad expressions on their faces. Huh? I wonder what’s wrong.

The door suddenly opened and I smirked when I saw Natsu and Happy beside him. I have to admit that I kind of miss him. I miss pissing him off and picking a fight with him. I stood up from my seat and walked towards him. I was about to say something that could piss him off when I saw his expression.

He wore the same expression Juvia and Levy have. I look at Happy and he doesn’t look happy at all. Why does everyone seems so gloomy? They both sat down and didn’t talk. I walked towards him.

“Why do you look miserable?” I asked him.

He didn’t look at me “I saw something that I don’t want to see today,”

I furrowed my eyebrows “And what is that?”

He let out a breath “You,”

“What did you say?” I was about to land a punch on him when Happy stopped me.

“Don’t mind him Gray. He’s just not in the mood today because Lucy is not feeling well and we can’t go to a job,” Happy explained.

“Lucy is not feeling well? Why? What happened to her?” I asked as an unfamiliar feeling slowly crept into me. I always worry about my guild mates. But why was I feeling anxious about Lucy? I put that in the back part of my mind and ignored it.

“You’re better off not knowing,” Natsu answered in his bored voice.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked him.

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