Chapter 22

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Lucy's POV:

My whole body froze after I heard those words coming out of his mouth. His eyes look sad. He should be better now after he's cured but why does he look like he's still in pain? And his question really caught me off guard.

"What...what are you talking about?"

He let out a sigh and turned away from me "Well, it's just that ever since I woke up Natsu kept acting weird and he's been so moody and you're acting weirder than usual. I know you always smile whenever you're in the guild but when I look at you I can see that you're sad and I don't know why but I feel like I'm responsible for it,"

I didn't answer him right away because I don't know what to say. He feels miserable and I hate the fact that I can't really tell him what happened. I want to be honest with him but I can't do it.

"Gray, I don't hate you," I said "I'm sorry if I'm acting weirder than usual but I promise you that I'm fine. As for Natsu, I'm sure he has his reasons why he's acting like that,"

"Why can't I believe that you're fine?" he asked as he kept his head down "And ever since I woke up, I kept having this feeling as if I forgot something and somehow you know about it,"

"I...I don't know anything," I said slowly "But if it helps, you can tell me anything about what's making you uncomfortable,"

He thought for a moment "There was a voice,"

I furrowed my eyebrows but didn't say anything as I waited for him to go on.

"When I was in that coma, I heard a voice and then every night, I kept dreaming about it. It's frustrating because I feel like I know it and then I don't,"

I cleared my throat "What's the voice saying?"

"I was actually talking to it and I was calling it 'princess' which is weird because I don't remember ever talking to someone and calling it that," he answered.

He was looking at me now and for some reason, I avoided his eyes. He was talking to me in his dream. Those are our memories together; memories that he doesn't remember.

"Gray, what if...what if you finally found out who owns that voice?" I asked.

He furrowed his eyebrows "I don't know, Lucy. But just hearing that voice makes me feel as if I did something right and it makes me feel a little bit better,"

I bit my lower lip and then looked at him "That was me,"

He suddenly took a step back and his eyes widened in shock. He didn't say anything for a while and just stood there while staring at me. I didn't even know why I said that that voice was mine. And it seems like Gray finds that hard to believe.

Oh no, talking to him isn't such a good idea after all. I need to run away from here. I need to run away from him.

"Forget what I said, Gray. It was a joke. See you in the guild, okay?" I didn't wait for his answer as I turned around and started to walk away from him. I finally let my tears fall as I run away from him. I am such an idiot. Now what will he think? I don't want him to be confused.


I stopped and turned around. Gray was running after me. He finally stopped a few feet away from me.

"Why are you running away again?" he asked.

I covered my eyes with my hands as I cried. I was crying hard that I have to bite my lower lip to stop myself from sobbing loudly. This pain is new to me and it's the kind of pain that I know I couldn't handle. The pain of seeing the one you love in front of you and yet finding out that you can never have them.

I suddenly felt warm and realized that Gray was embracing me. I miss this warmth. I miss him.

"Somehow this feels familiar;" he said softly "You're warm Lucy,"

I pulled away from him "Why did you run after me?"

He thought for a while and then looked at me again "You were crying and I don't like it. And you said that you're my princess, right?"

"Gray, I told you that I was just kidding," I said.

"Then why do I feel that you're not?" he asked as his face became serious "Tell me what really happened,"

I bit my lower lip as I turned away from his intense gaze "I can't tell you,"

He furrowed his eyebrows "Why not? Did the old man told you not to tell me? Well, I don't care about whatever he told you. I want to know what happened to me and the reason why everyone is acting differently,"

"I can't, Gray. It's better if you don't know everything," I said as I looked down. I felt my voice starting to crack. I can barely hold my emotions. If he doesn't stop, I think I'll explode.

"Please Lu, tell me," he whispered.

Oh no, it's over. I already know it and I can't prevent it from happening anymore. I looked up and met his eyes.

"Would you believe me if I told you that you fell inlove with me?"

I have to say that I've been getting a lot of inspiration these days and thanks to that my hands are working faster than my brain.

School's starting tomorrow again and my updates may be slow but I'll make sure to update every week if I can and if school works won't pile up.

Thank you dear reader and don't forget to comment and vote.

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