Chapter 12

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Everyone thankfully agreed with me when I pleaded them to not tell Gray that he's still not cured yet. I don't want him to worry. Everyone is searching for Fiora. Master Makarov, Levy and Freed is with Porlyusica still trying to find a cure for Gray. It's been four days already and I'm getting really troubled. We need to find Fiora fast. She's the only one who can cure Gray. Porlyusica made Gray stay in the infirmary. He doesn't want to but every one of us forced him so he doesn't really have a choice.

I returned to my apartment after a tiring day. We haven't made any progress yet but I'm not losing hope. I know that we're going to find Fiora.

After taking a bath, I changed into my sleeping clothes. I was about to lie down on my bed when I heard a soft tap on my window. I stood up and opened it.
A strong gust of wind blew past me then it subsided leaving a piece of paper on my floor. I closed the window then bent down and picked it up.

If you want the antidote for Gray, then come to the old, abandoned church near the castle in Crocus tomorrow morning. I'll wait for you there. Don't even bother to try and asked your friends to help you. I want you to come and you alone. I'm watching your every move Lucy. Try something funny and I'll destroy the antidote and your precious Gray will die. I'll be waiting.

My heart pounded when I finished reading Fiora's letter. I know that this is just a trap so that she can finally have my keys. I don't know what to do. I'm scared of facing her again. I know I'm not as strong as my teammates, but I believe in myself that I can do this. As long as I believe in my spirits and trust them, I know we can have the cure for Gray.

Loki suddenly appeared in front of me. He saw the letter and read it right away. He furrowed his eyebrows after reading it.

"This is a trap," he said as he handed me back the letter.

I took it from him "I know that but if we win, she'll give me the antidote Loki. I can save Gray,"

He let out a sigh "But you'll be putting yourself in danger. Gray wouldn't like this. He'd rather die than see you risking your life for him,"

"That's why I won't tell him about this. I can't tell our friends too. They'll surely stop me and Fiora said that she's watching my every move. I can't make any reckless move, Loki. I need to make sure that Fiora will not break her word,"

Loki looked at me long and hard and then he smiled "I know you can do this, Lucy. You're one of the strongest people I know. Fiora is no match for you. Just tell me if you ever need me. I'll be here. All of us will be here for you anytime,"

I smiled at Loki "Thank you, Loki. That's one of the reasons why I'm not that worried. I know that you guys will always be there for me,"

Loki disappeared and I finally lied down on my bed. I kept thinking about Fiora's letter. Will she really keep her word and give me the potion? I'm really not that confident in my abilities but I'll try my best to win this fight. I need to do this for Gray. I need to take that antidote even if it will cost me my life.
It was still dark when I decided to visit Gray in the infirmary. I want to take one last glimpse of him before I go. He was asleep when I came in. I sat beside him and held his hand.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about this. I know you'll get angry once you find out that I went off on my own to beat Fiora," I said "Don't worry, okay? I'll get that antidote, Gray. And I'll try my hardest to come back," I stood up "I love you,"

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