Chapter 15

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I just stared at Edmund in shock. I really can't understand what's happening anymore. Why would Edmund, the one who took care of Fiora after their village was destroyed, take Fiora's own memory? It was confusing and strange.

"You see, nobody really attacked our village. I just made that story up after I hid Fiora's memory," he said as he looked back at Fiora who was still looking at both of us.

"Why would you hide her memory?" I asked.

Edmund turned back to me "Because she's the reason why our village was destroyed. We were both apprentices of a wizard in our village. Fiora loves magic and even when we were still young, I could see much potential in her. Every day we trained together, but it came to a point when Fiora got tired of what the Master was teaching us. She wanted more and it lead to her destruction,"

"So you lied to me?"

We both turned around and found Fiora walking towards us. She finally stopped but her eyes were still glowing. It was unusual and it did make her look dangerous.

"I have no choice. You can't control your powers, it controls you. That's why I always prevent it when something stressful happens because that's when you start to lose control of it. It's almost like I don't know who you are anymore and you don't know me," Edmund answered back.

Fiora shouted and unleashed a strong gust of wind to Edmund that sent him flying a few feet away. He let out a painful grunt when his back landed on the ground.

I turned to Loki "Keep Fiora busy. I'll help Edmund,"

He nodded and turned to Fiora. Both of them started to fight right away. After making sure that Loki is keeping up with Fiora, I ran towards Edmund.

"Edmund!" I supported him as he stood up.

"I'm alright," he turned to Fiora who was fighting furiously with Loki "I don't know how to stop her without hurting her,"

"We can find a way," I answered "If we can't stop her she'll hurt all of us,"

Edmund smiled "I don't want to hurt her, Lucy. I'm the only one she has. She doesn't have any friends and nobody knows her better than I do,"

I look deeper into his eyes and saw how much he cares for her. I let out a breath and thought for a moment. I suddenly flinched and an aching sensation escalated throughout my entire body. I was using too much magic now. I need to finish this right away.

I turned to Edmund "Can you support yourself?"

He nodded "I'm fine but what are you going to do?"

I turned back to Loki and saw that he still manages to fight Fiora. I want to help her and bring her back to Edmund but I don't know what to do. I can't stop her without hurting her. Loki was already getting tired and I am also getting tired. I guess I only have this last resort.

"I need to bring back Fiora and you're going to help me," I held a silver key in my hand. It was Lyra's gate.

"What are you going to do with music?" Edmund asked.

"Trust me, music makes people calm and Lyra is a talented musician. Talk to Fiora, alright?" I said.

Edmund nodded "I'll do my best,"

We both ran towards Loki and Fiora. It was hard since Fiora's winds just keep getting stronger. She produced a huge swirling wind from her hands and threw it against Loki. He tried to stop it but it was no use. I felt the pain of the attack just as Loki landed on the ground. He was already covered in wounds and bruises. I fell to the ground and coughed several times. I felt something flowing from my nose. I touched it and saw blood. Using Loki is consuming too much of my magic, I just hope that I still have enough to summon Lyra.

"Where does it hurt?" asked Loki as he walked towards me. I can see that he's in pain.

"I'm fine," I coughed again "How about you?"

Before he can answer, Fiora hit us again with her wind magic. It was painful. I actually felt some of my bones cracking with the impact of her magic to my body. I landed on the ground hard and felt that unbearable pain rising in me. I saw Fiora walking towards me. She aimed her hands at me and started to shoot me with tiny balls of wind. They were tiny but they were excruciating.

I feel like I can't move anymore. Is this really the end for me? But I can't die yet. I still need to get that antidote for Gray. Gray is waiting for me. Natsu, Happy, Erza, Wendy and all of our friends are still waiting for me. I can't give up. I have to fight.

Fiora suddenly kicked me that I rolled a few feet away from her, clutching the spot where she kicked me. I stood up slowly, holding Lyra's key in my hand. I saw Loki trying to stand up but I told him to stay still. He shouldn't push himself too much.

"I'll leave the rest to you, Edmund!" I shouted. Lyra's key began to glow "Gate of the Harp I open thee, Lyra!"

Lyra appeared holding her lyre in her hands "Keep her calm, Lyra. She needs to hear your music,"

Lyra began to play her lyre. It was a calming and relaxing song. I closed my eyes as I listened to Lyra. My magic power is almost empty but I need to supply Lyra with more magic. I summoned all my remaining strength and poured them to Lyra. Her song began to intensify. After a few minutes all I can hear is silence except for Lyra's song. It was peaceful. It was perfect.

"Lucy, you can rest now. Fiora is already returning to normal and Edmund is with her," I hear Loki say.

I fell into his arms and breathe out a sigh of relief. I tried to open my eyes but I can't. I smiled at Loki "That's great. Are you alright? I'm sorry if I pushed you too hard,"

"There you go again. You're always worried of your spirits but never about yourself,"

I let out a sigh "I'm glad that everyone is okay. Let's go back home, Loki,"

Loki answered but I can't hear anymore. Lyra's melody stopped and I began to fall into a deep sea of darkness.


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