Chapter 29

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2 years had passed since the love of my life disappeared and became a wonderful fragment of my memory. But until this day, I still kept searching for her and every day I return to the guild with a broken heart. Then I fix myself and willed to be whole again for her. I won't stop until I finally find her.

The guild went as usual. But not everything stayed the same. Most of us changed. Nobody ever mentioned her name again. And if someone accidentally says it, well, the guild closes for the day and everyone ends up crying again. I don't want to be like them, though. I want to keep searching for her. And I am not going to give up.

The cold weather soon came and snow fell covering the ground. This is my favourite season. Everything is cold but beautiful. And as tradition, Fairy Tail holds its annual Christmas Ball.

It started 3 years ago when Master told us that we're the only guild who doesn't hold these kinds of parties. It's also one way of strengthening our bond. I didn't go last year since I went on a job and this year everyone keeps persuading me to go. It would be fun, they said. We get to eat all these delicious food, dance, and exchange presents with our friends. I finally decided to come.

"Wait, I have to wear a tuxedo?" I asked, flabbergasted.

"You have to. It is a ball and everyone is expected to look formal for once," replied Erza.

Natsu flashed me a grin "Yeah, everyone looks funny but you'll get used to it. It was even uncomfortable the first time I wore it,"

"Alright, it's only for one night, so why not?"

The night of the ball came and Fairy Tail was livelier and more beautiful than it already is. Natsu was right. I almost lost it when I saw everyone being formal for once. Wow, this is a different image from the Fairy Tail I used to know.

I found my friends and soon enough, I was having fun. The food was delicious and I enjoyed the silly dancing we did. When the clock stroke midnight, Master took the stage and announced that it is now the moment to exchange our presents with each other. I got my presents for each of them and they gave me mine.

The night continued and I decided to say my good nights to them. I still have to give a present to someone.

"But it's still early," said Happy "And there are performers from Crocus who Master hired to entertain us,"

"Yes Gray, it will be fun," said Wendy.

"Yeah, but someone's still waiting for her present from me," I answered.

Everyone kept quiet, meaning that they understood. I waved goodbye and went out of the guild and continued to Magnolia Park. The park was decorated with Christmas decorations hanging from trees and the lights were amazing too. I went to the cherry blossom tree and smiled when they put different colored lights around it and in its branches.

I kept staring at it until my eyes caught something. Below its trunk and lying on the ground was a small gift wrapped box. I picked it up and looked at the card attached to it.

"To the warmest ice mage I know, Merry Christmas,"

So before I knew it, I was fighting back the tears threatening to fall. I was clutching the box tightly in my hand.

"Why won't you personally hand this to me?" I whispered "Why won't you come back?"

But no answer came and no answer would come. The snow started to fall again and I just stood there. It will always be me, the wind and my tears, and the soft sound of a melody. Wait, what?

I listened more and realized that it came from the guild. So they really amplified the sounds. The performers must be there already and I have to admit that they are good. I listened to the soft voice of the vocalist as I stare at the tree again. The next song was something I recognized and before I knew it, I was humming the melody. I didn't even know why I knew this song, but somehow it reminds me of Lucy.

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