Just play sweet

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(Bad guys always arrived late yet dramatic.)


I take the wood stick with anti-sensei knife on it and run outside the room. Everyone was outside trying to assassinate korosensei while hanging him on a tree but even though he was tied up he still can avoid everyone's attack.

"Nagisa will this work?" i asked. Nagisa awkwardly look to me. Its been days since im in E class but everyone still treat me with awkwardness. Probably because im a top student suddenly fall in E class.

"Y-yeah, i guess so." 

The tree branch where korosensei is tied up suddenly broke and he fall to the ground powerless. "Get him!" the whole class after him but he flew away to the rooft of E class building.

"Starting tomorrow theres twice homework." korosensei declared making the class feel bad and after him more.
Korosensei you most not die tell the end.

After the assassination attempt we start the PE class with our new PE teacher, karasuma sensei. I always wanted to try a training about assassination and surprisingly I'm doing an outstanding performance making the others feel bad.
Dont worry guys i feel bad for being to good as well, yeah being to good.....
Karasuma instructed meahara and isogai to attack him and show to everyone whats the important of this training.

"Karasuma sensei dont tell me your stealing my popularity to the student?" korosensei asked.

"No, im doing this for the earth sake and dont forget you are our target. Damn octopus." karasuma sensei made a surprise attack but as usual korosensei avoided it.

"So his our new teacher? Wow, he really is like an octopus." suddenly smile form in my lips. The fun time now begin since the bad boy finally arrived. I turned around and see a red head standing in distance. "Your korosensei right? The unkillable being, nice to meet you sensei." karma extended his hand and korosensei accepted it.

"Nice to mee-" suddenly his tentacles melted and class shocked. The kid who made the first damaged to korosensei.

"Wow you did well akabane." i said and smile. "Your the first one to damage korosensei."

"'hmm...hamasaki yumi so its true you has been send to E class and this thing really work huh." he open his palm to reveal the cutted anti-sensei knife on his hand.  "Anyway i look forward to kill you sensei."


The rest of the class was about the assassination attempt of karma to korosensei. We are doing a quiz when karma said about eating a jello since his already finished answering taking korosensei attention. He intentionally do that to provoke korosensei and made him step in the anti-sensei bullets scattered in the floor.

"I fool you again sensei. What makes you unkillable if you keep falling in a trick like this. Anyway im now done so go check it,  all the answers is correct so I'll see you again tomorrow." karma leave korosensei in silence.

The class ended and i run along the crowded people looking for someone.
"Hey nagisa!"

"Hamasaki-san?" Nagisa give me a confused look while i hold his. Shoulder as a support since I'm to tired from running.

"Hey look its nagisa......and hamasaki! They end up in E class, how unlucky of them. I'll definitely not gonna end up in the same class as them. even if i die." students from other class look to us as if were some kind of trash. As i expect, a glass bottle hit in the wall beside them.

"Really as in if you die.... Now?" karma show up making the two students to run for their life.

"Karma what are you doing here?" nagisa asked while i cant help but to laugh silently.

"Hey do you think our teacher will be mad if i call him octopus?"

"He wont." i answered. "But akabane if your trying to kill him tomorrow i suggest you wont take it seriously. Just play sweet." 

"Play sweet? Then thats not an assassination attempt if i play sweet." he pointed the broken glass bottle to me. "An assassination attempt is when you scared to death your victim."

I smile and push the glass bottle away using my one finger. "His unkillable you know."

The day im waiting has come. Next day i attend the class more earlier and wait for the show to start. First subject math.
Korosensei is teaching at front when karma secretly take out a gun and shoot him but he snatched the gun away and do a nail art in a spare time he say.

Next class cooking. Korosensei asked fuwa if there's something wrong in her cooking which there is, karma said that she must redo it and intentionally hit the handle of  the soup cause it to spill on korosenei but again a magic happened. In a blink of an eye karma is wearing a pink apron with a heart design. 

"karma-kun you most wear an apron while cooking because its for your safety and also messy hair is not allowed so i fix it for you." korosensei said making karma to get more mad. I giggled and give korosensei a thumbs up secretly.

The class end and im on my way to witness the best part of this day. I run and sneaked beside nagisa who's talking to karma about something. "Told you he's unkillable."

Annoyed smirked show on his face.
"Not yet, its not over. For the last time i want to test how far would that octopus can do."

"Then what are you planning to do karma?" nagisa asked. Karma stand up from the tree branch his sitting. This tree was placed in a cliff. Suddenly nagisa's eyes widened when he realized what karma planning to do. "Thats to dangerous, you dont need to go this far."

"Your really planning to do a suicide." i said in second. 

"In the end its either me or him will succeed." he let himself fall in the tree right the moment korosensei arrived. He pointed a gun to midair planning to shot korosensei when it plan to save him. But another thing happened when korosensei fly pass on him and form himself in a sticky net and catch karma.

"As a teacher its my first priority the safety of my students but i also cant die at the moment so saving him and also avoiding death is the best choice." smiling face of korosensei show up in the yellow net behind karma.

"What the- you really are unkillable." karma chuckled before giving up and korosensei bring him up again.

"And thats why i told just to play sweet." i pointed him but he ignore me. Hmp you just feel embarrassed.

"hamasaki is right karma, you dont need to go this far for assassinating korosensei. After all your not the only one doing that but all of us as well." nagisa smile and i place my hand over his shoulder.

"Now that its over lets have some ice cream, My treat and nagisa you can call me yumi. Were friends now so its fine." i offered an ice cream treat before karma steal korosensei's wallet. 

"No one asked for you ice cream treat." karma said and place his two hand in his pocket.

"why, but your planning to buy one anyway. You can just come with us." i pulled him and the three of us walk away when suddenly i remember someone.
"Korosensei you can come with us!"

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