Chapter 6.

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I woke up to Luke gently pushing my arm, 'Scar', 'Psssst, Scar', i looked at him tiredly, 'Yes, Luke?', i asked while rubbing my eyes, 'Mum's going away for buisness for a few days and she only just told me, so im staying here until she comes back', 'Really?!', i shot up, 'Yeah!', he said excitedly, 'Aw its gonna be just like our old sleepovers we used to have!', i said just as excited.

You see, me and Luke were two peas in a pod while we were younger. Then, Liz got a job in Sydney. They lived there for about 7 years and moved back 4 months ago, thats why it was a bit awkward between luke and i. We were only kids when we last saw eachother and now we were both almost adults. It was like we had to get to know eachother again. And when i found out he was staying at my house, i got excited because i will finally get to know him again. properly.

I looked at the time and it was 12:46pm, 'Luke, why arent you at school?', i questioned, 'Oh i got your text this morning when i was at school, i called mum at first break and i told her you were sick and she said i could come over here and see if you were okay', 'But, what about Calum?', i asked confused, 'Oh, i had all my classes with him this morning, he went home at first break because his mum needed him for some house shopping or something', he said, 'Oh okay', i said back.

Luke and i watched The Grinch, 21 Jump Street and a few episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians for the rest of the day, the day went really slow, i texted Calum through out the day and ended up falling asleep at 8pm.

It was finally Friday which meant the last school day for the week. I woke up feeling so much better than yesterday.

'Luke! Are you ready to go!', i called for Luke. 'Yeah, ill be down in a second', he yelled down the massive staircase.

I dont know why our house was so big. Me and my dad only lived here and we barely had guests. I guess it was because my mums best friend was an architect and she was an interior designer. Her and her best friend designed this house 4 years before she passed away, the building took 2 years, i predict thats because the house was so massive then it took 7 months to get all the interior done, and my mum was in hospital for 6 months, so she only lived here for a year.

'Im ready', Luke says, breaking me from my daydream about playing in the backyard with my mum.

We got in the car and drove to school, the car ride was boring as usual.

We walked through the school gates and Calum was leaning against the wall on his phone, 'Hey Cal', i said linking arms with him, 'Hey Scar, are you feeling better?', 'Yes i am thank you'.

We had sex ed first up which was super awkward because it was the first time ive had this class with Calum because we only have it on Monday and Friday.

Sex ed dragged on, which was so bad. Just a bunch of teachers telling us useless information about our sex bits thats not going to stop any of us in this room from producing an extra body, two extra arms, two extra legs, one extra head and one extra heartbeat.

Next we had maths. Maths was good because me and Calum would always just chat and the class would go by really quickly.
We sat in maths with our books infront of us waiting for the teacher to go back to her desk and mark assignments.

'Hey Scar, did Luke tell you the big news?', he asked me looking way too happy, 'Uhm, what news? he didnt tell me anything', i replied back confused, 'Oh he didnt tell you? Luke, Michael and i are going to start a band', i shot up immediately, 'A band?', 'Yes, a band.'. Why didnt Luke tell me? my inner self thought. 'Wow, congratulations', 'Thanks', Calum smiled.

The rest of the class was awkward and me and Calum didnt talk much. I was still trying to process the news. What if no one likes their music? ill feel so bad for them.

First break came around and my mission was to find Luke. I spotted him with Michael and Ashton and stormed over to him, 'Hey Cal, could you wait here a sec?', 'Sure', he stood at the ugly fluro orange coloured wall.

'LUCAS HEMMINGS AND MICHAEL CLIFFORD COME HERE PLEASE' I called still storming towards them.
'Yes, Scarlett?', Luke asked, 'Why didnt you tell me you were starting a band?!', i asked, 'Ohhh i forgot sorry. First practice is at your house tonight i already asked Uncle Ryan', 'You could ask my father to practice at his house but you couldnt tell me?', 'Im sorry. i forgot. No lie', 'Ugh its fine, just tell me these things. ill see you after school.'.

I walked back over to Calum, 'What were you talking about?', Calum asked me, 'Oh just if he remembered to bring his lunch', i smiled back knowing he knew i was lying. 'Lets go', we linked arms once again.

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