Chapter 23.

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'Harry? Scarlett?', Eleanor's voice calls from the candle lit path, 'We're over here', i call, 'Guys, we need to go. Someone saw Scarlett walk in here and now theres heaps of paps trying to find you guys, Niall and I were in the car park across the road watching the path and Louis called me and said he overheard the paps saying they spotted you over this way, we saw a group of men that looked familiar from the hotel start walking towards here about 15 minutes after that, they went into Waitrose and i chose that as my chance to run, we dont have a lot of time, you need to come now', she explains. I look at Harry and we get up straight away, we run down the path and Eleanor checks if its safe, both cars are parked on our side of the road now which is even better, Eleanor waves for us to run to the cars, I follow Eleanor to ours and Harry hops in his with Niall.

Incoming Call: Harry Styles
Scarlett, whos going to the hotel first?
You guys go. Me and El are going to go get something to eat.
Okay. But, Scarlett?
Yes, Harry?
Can you come to my room when you get back to the hotel. You still owe me that dinner.
Harry we just had a picnic?
That wasnt dinner though. I was just getting started.
Okay, fine. I'll come by your room but only for a little while.
Thank you.
End Call.

'Should we go to Jamie's Italian and have some food?', i ask Eleanor, 'What a great idea!', She claps her hands, i assume our driver heard us because she doesnt say anything to him.

After we eat, we get Starbucks and head back to the hotel. Harry got back to the hotel an hour ago, i wonder if he got bored and went to sleep?

Im standing in the elevator alone after Eleanor gets out, Harry's floor is 2 floors above hers and im really nervous. The elevator dings and the robotic lady speaks again, the doors open and i walk out into the corridoor, Harry is in room 87, i look for the number and get more and more nervous when i read each number on the doors, 84, 85, 86, 87.

I knock and Harry opens the door almost immediately, 'Come in', he says, stepping off to the side, he closes the door behind me and i scan his hotel room, its smaller than ours but in some way it feels bigger, he has a better view than we do though, he is on the other side of the hotel and his windows are facing all the houses which means alot of lights, i would prefer this view at night.

'Here', he hands me a glass of wine, 'Harry', 'Take it Scarlett', he insists. He walks onto his balcony and pats the seat next to the one he is sat in, hes only wearing jeans and a thin black long sleeve shirt and its about 10 degrees outside. Meanwhile, here i am in a thick long shirt layered with a coat, the weather is so much different here rather than in Australia, in Australia it gets as cold as this, but i think just the thought of being in London that makes it seem colder.

'How are you and Calum?', Harry asks, taking a sip of his wine, 'We're good, are you excited to start touring tomorrow?', i ask trying to change the subject, 'Why do you like him?', he asks ignoring my question, 'Well, he's nice, he has a big heart, he cares', i reply, 'Is that all?', he says, 'Um, he's nice', 'You already said that', he says, 'Why dont you just come with me, i could make you so happy', he says, 'Calum makes me happy aswell', 'Really? because it seems that the last few times ive hung out with you its only because you ran away from him', he says sternly and i can tell he is serious, 'Harry i dont want to talk about this with you, im happy with Calum', 'Of course', he says in a sacarstic tone, 'What does that mean, Harry?', 'It means, you're with someone that doesnt make you happy and you're being naive about it because you dont want to face the truth', 'Harry that isnt true. I love Calum', 'Do you? Because if you did, you wouldnt have kissed me in the elevator, you wouldnt have agreed to go to dinner with me, and you would surely be trying to keep your distance from me after i told you how i felt, but look where you are now Scarlett, sitting on the balcony of my hotel room with me, drinking my wine, while Calum is all alone in your room', why is he being like this? 'I have to go', i walk inside and grab my things, Harry stays seated and continues to drink, just as im about to walk out the door he says something, 'You cant hide from the truth forever, Scarlett', i stop in my tracks and process the words, then leave.

Im standing in the elevator trying to hold back my emotions, Harry's words hurt me in a place i didnt even know could hurt, and i dont know why.

I get to my room and fiddle with the key for a while until i finally get the door open, the tv is running but no one is watching it, i suspect Calum has just gone to sleep and left the TV running, i walk over and turn it off then walk back to the fridge and look for something to eat, i pick out an apple and am just about to take a bite when i hear laughter, it sounds like female so i bet its just next door, i take a bite of my apple and unlock my phone, 5 seconds later i hear the laughing again, but it sounds closer and louder. Im probably just imagining things, i take another bite of the apple and throw it away, im too tired to eat.

I walk into the bedroom and all the lights are on, but Calum isnt in bed, he isnt in the bathroom either, i hear the laughing again and now im starting to think im not imagining it, i need to get into bed before i lose my mind. I tell myself that Calum is probably just with Luke and walk into the bathroom, i grab a face towel and wet it, i ring out the excess water and leave it damp, i wipe it over my face a few times and grab another face towel to dry my face, i feel like i need fresh air now.

I walk into the living room and walk towards the balcony door, i see a bit of movement on the balcony, 'What the fuck?', i think to myself, i open the door and look onto the balcony and surely enough i see my worst nightmare.

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