Chapter 24.

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I wake up on a bench, on a bench in Harry's secret park to be exact. I dont even remember how i got here. But i dont want to leave. I still cant believe what happened last night, it doesnt seem real. I know it wasnt a dream because when i woke up this morning, everything hurt. From my head to my heart to my feet, everything hurt. They took him away, they took him away from me. I can barely open my eyes due to how puffy they are from all my crying. I dont want to think about last night but i know it wont get out of my memory.

'Kendall? Calum?', my voice breaks, im already close to tears. 'Scarlett, i-', 'You can't explain yourself this time Calum. How could you do this?', my eyes well up and Calum pushes Kendall off his lap, 'Kendall? How could you? You were supposed to be my friend', i turn to her and fight the urge to punch her right in the nose, 'Why are you here? Why did you come here?', i ask her, 'I-i-i', she stutters, 'Scarlett, can we talk please', Calum says, 'No, im done, with you, and her and all of this', i wave my hands around, referring to the life i now live because of Calum, 'What do you mean you're done with me?', 'I mean, im done. We're over. Splat, kaput. Im going home, delete my number off your phone, both of you. Dont ever try contact me again. I mean it', 'Scarlett i can explain', Kendall butts in, 'What do you need to explain? The reason as to why you're here in my hotel room shoving your tongue down my boyf- ex boyfriends throat? I think ive heard enough from the both of you', i turn and walk into the living room, i grab my hand bag, my phone and my coat and i can hear someone following me, 'Scarlett, dont go', Calum speaks softly, 'No. Dont. Please. It will only make it harder for you', i say, 'We both know you will be back tomorrow', he says, i turn to him and raise my eyebrow, 'Oh yeah? We'll see about that', i say and shut the door in his face.

Once again i dont know where i'll go, i dont want to go to Harry because im not prepared for the whole 'I told you so' speech, i dont want to annoy Eleanor, i dont want to tell the boys because i know they will feel sorry for me and i dont want sympathy right now, i want Starbucks. That's where i'll go, its not the best idea but its a start.

I get in the elevator and of course, im left alone with my thoughts. And of course, i start crying. This hotel has to many bad memories, but that has to be the worse one yet. I cant believe Calum would do that to me, and with Kendall? I was friends with her for 6 years and she betrays me like this? Why is she even here? She lives in Australia so how did she end up in London? This had to have been planned or a sick coincidence. I decide im going to take the back exit out of the hotel this time, i cant control my tears and i dont want to be faced with dozens of flashing lights in my face. I know there will be photographers at the exit, but hopefully not as many as there is at the front, i hope they're nice.

I sneak around to the exit and open the door, the back parking lot of the hotel is empty. Thank goodness. I hail a taxi and get in, 'Take me to Starbucks please', i say and i close the door behind me. After a short drive im there, i order a frappucino and walk to a park nearby, its dark, which is good, i want to be alone right now. I can't believe that Kendall would do that to me. I sit on the siwng and slowly push myself.'Scarlett?', a voice calls from behind me, and i know exactly who it is. 'How do you always manage to find me?', 'Because, you always run away when im in the lobby', he replies, 'You;re crazy, you know that?', he laughs, 'Yeah, i know', he sits himself in the swing next to me, 'Harry, what you said tonight hurt me, but you know what?', 'What?', 'They were all true', i say. 'What do you mean?', 'Well, after i left your room i found Calum slobbering with my friend from back home, and i told him we were done and left', 'Wow', is all Harry says. I cant blame him though, if it was someone else in this position, i'd say wow aswell.

We sit in silence for a long time, but its a nice type of silence. 'Do you want to come back to the hotel? My car is over there. You can stay in my room if you want. I can take the couch', i nod, i know stayin with Harry is probably not the best idea but its better than nothing.

We are stopped by flashing lights and sirens and i immediately know its the police, i know we haven't done anything wrong but im still nervous. 'Excuse me sir, have you had anything to drink tonight?', the police officer asks Harry, 'I had a few glasses of wine', 'I'm going to need to see some ID please', the officer says, Harry isnt even at the legal drinking age, 'Uh, here you go', Harry hands him his drivers license, 'Ah, i see you arent of drinking age?', Harry nervously smiles, 'Im going to need to do a breath test for me, blow into this tube and dont stop until i tell you to', Harry places the tube around his lips and blows until theres a beeping sound, 'Stop', the officer says, 'You're over the legal drinking limit and you're underage and Mr. Styles, we also have reasons to believe that you shot a male behind the lanes the other night, you're coming with us', he says.

No no no no this cant be happening, the handcuff Harry and put him the back of the police car, i cant be here, i have to leave, i have to run. I end up in Harry's secret park and all i can do is cry, no matter how much i try, i cant stop, it all hurts.


Just incase you didnt catch on, the italics is what happened the night before :) and no it isnt Kendall Jenner, in Chapter 3 i said Scarlett has a friend named Kendall that only goes to school twice a week and this is the first time shes made an actual appearance!

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