Chapter 19.

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Mrs Hemmings is it true that you cheated on Calum Hood with Harry Styles? How does Calum feel about you cheating on him? Apparently you went on a romantic date with Harry last night? Is it true? How many dates have you and Harry had?

We're sitting in a tiny hidden cafe that our driver suggested, all i can think of is all the questions buzzing around my head. I just hope that after last night, Harry stays away. Now that he knows im dating Calum he should get the point.

'What are you thinking about?', Eleanor asks me, 'Oh, um nothing important', i smile, 'Oh. Well, Harry told me about you, he said he liked you. After last night he came up to Louis and i's room and got into the alcohol in our mini bar, he actually ordered more aswell. He was sitting on the blacony with a wine bottle in hand, looking at the stars saying, 'So gorgeous', me and Louis didn't bother him though. Their are very few moments where Harry is like that when hes intoxicated, we didnt want to turn him savage', she says, 'Didn't you go out with Harry last night?', she asks, 'Um, sort of. Not really, kinda. I had an argument, well not really an argument, but i heard a conversation i didnt want to hear and so i left and Harry followed me because he didnt want me to be alone. Now all the media seem to think we're sleeping together', i explain, 'Yeah i saw that all over twitter. I saw your tweet aswell, im glad you stood up for yourself and told them the truth', she smiles. After a long silence she stands up and grabs her handbag, 'Shall we go shopping now?', she asks, 'Yes please!', i exclaim getting up from my seat, 'i HAVE to get a few new coats and new boots!', i say.

We've been in Zara for 10 minutes and i already have 4 pairs of boots in hand, oh god. I have a boot problem! Eleanor has only 1 pair of boots to pay for and after that we were out. We went to a few other boutiques and we ended up at Marks and Spencer and i of course bought way to many coats! I have a coat problem too now!! By the time we were out of the shop it was already 3pm, where had the time gone?! The boys finish rehearsals at 6 so we still had 3 hours to kill.

'Hey Scar', Calum says from the living room, 'Hey, what are you doing home? Dont rehearsals finish at 6?', i ask glancing at the clock that says 4:56 'Yeah they do, but it was an easy rehearsal so we finished early, tomorrow is longer though', he replies. I dont say anything, i walk into the bedroom and put my bags on the floor, 'I'm going for a shower', i yell just so he doesnt think i escaped out the window or something.

I walk into the bathroom and let it steam up before i hop in once again, i open the shower door just as the bathroom door opens, once again Calum enters, completely nude. This time i didnt even make it into the shower before he violently pressed his lips against mine, he pushed me into the shower making sure our lips never lost contact. 'I love you so fucking much Scarlett', he says hungrily, 'If you go to college i will support you. Fuck, ill even buy you an apartment in America! Just never leave me. Ever', he pulls away and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on my shoulder, 'I saw everything about Harry today. I'm so glad you set everyone straight on twitter', i didnt reply, i just stood there silent. 'Harry wasnt at rehearsals today', he said, 'What?', i replied, 'He wasnt in his room this morning and no one had seen him, Louis said he left him and Eleanor's room last night and said he was going back to his room,' he says, 'Where would he be?', i ask, 'Im not sure. Everyone tried to call him but no luck, i think you might uh-um be the only person he would answer to...', he says, 'do you think i should call him?', i ask, 'Yes. But not now', he says pulling me into him.

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