ii. welcome to hogwarts!

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HAGRID, AFTER A LONG BOAT RIDE in the stormy weather, led the new students up the marble staircase, in front of a huge oak door and raised gigantic fist to knock

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HAGRID, AFTER A LONG BOAT RIDE in the stormy weather, led the new students up the marble staircase, in front of a huge oak door and raised gigantic fist to knock.

Anna, as well as the first years were completely drenched in water as if they just had a swim in the lake.

The little kids were all huddled near Anna who towered over them. Some were even gripping the ends of her robes. One of the kids looked up "Aren't you too old to be a first year?"

Anna chuckled "You're right, I'm not a first year, I'm starting my third- though I'm just as new as you"

"Right" He paused " Are you-are you nervous?"

Anna smirked "Nah, why would I be? Bet everyone will be craning their necks to have a glimpse of me. I'm gorgeous" She bragged proudly while flipping her long hair off her shoulder as the kids looked at her devotedly.

"Now, I know I'm too irresistible to keep hands off from but would you mind? My robes are getting wrinkled, I'll be delighted to have a good first impression. Thanks." They quickly let go.

"Hear now, midgets-" A funny noise came from behind them and they all turned around to look what the commotion was about and immediately gasped.

Two ghosts were floating towards them although they seemed to be in a deep conversation.

"That was very unkind of them, I must say." Said one.

"It is. After all I've done he still rejected me from joining the headless hunt." Said the other ghost with ruffles, his voice laced in defeat.

They noticed the gaping students.

"New students?" Cried the first one merrily.

"Yes" Anna said, astonishment now turning into amazement.
"You're a ghost- I've never seen one before, pleasure to meet you." She reached forward for a handshake as the ghost joyfully extended his, though their hands merely passed through each other.

"Friar, my dear friend have you forgotten you were a ghost?" Asked the other one, shaking his head.

"I haven't Nicholas, she wanted a handshake and I found it unkind to reject, so I gave her an experience." He turned to Anna. "We cannot touch anything, gentle lady." He said kindly.

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