iii. feud in the great hall

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ANNA WOKE UP THE NEXT DAY in her dormitory in Gryffindor tower which she shared with Hermione Granger, Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil.

She took a moment to take in her surroundings. Her things were all arranged last night and now they layed neatly in her wardrobe. So it really wasn't a dream.

Last night, she had stayed up late as the trio filled her up with their last two years adventures by the fireplace. She was positively Intrigued and was immensely glad that she chose to get close to them. Maybe after years of boredom, she could finally go on some thrilling adventures as well.

They wouldn't mind her tagging along will they? They seemed to be really happy to converse with her last night. Was it because she was a new student? Or because she started school from her third year rather than first year like everyone does? Or because she was a Rowly who didn't share her family's ideology? She didn't know.

What if they don't want her anymore and when she sit down with them willingly at breakfast, things get awkward? Anna could handle anything but make fun of herself in public.

So she decided to just do her morning routine, get dressed and see if Hermione asks her to sit with them. If she doesn't... Well Anna still had Ginny.

Hermione had wished Anna good morning with a smile before going to the bathroom. Maybe she was keen to stay friends. Thought Anna.

Anna was putting on her new scarlet and gold tie when there was a rattle on the window. Looking up she saw it was Rudy zooming around behind the glass.

Rudy was a tiny snowy owl with brown dots all over her wings. She was an exceptionally energetic owl which her parents had kindly gifted her when she got her letter from Hogwarts. Yeah, Anna was shocked too.

She noticed a letter tucked under Rudy's wing. Opening the window, Rudy dove in, dropped the letter and began racing around the room hooting merrily after Anna gave her treat as Crookshanks, Hermione's cat watched it through his yellow eyes from Hermione's bed.

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