xvii. a clandestine mission

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"THIS IS not normal

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"THIS IS not normal."

"Normal?" Anna rounded on Harry, the exhaust was finally catching up to her. "Normal? Harry, what has ever been normal since you were born?"

".. Yeah, you're right."

"Tone it down, will you?" Hermione snapped at them. "We're undercover right now."

"Blame him." Anna muttered.

The three sneaked up from behind a giant Pumpkin from where they were watching themselves speak to Hagrid.

With the distant chatter, 'previous' Anna jumped up and ran into the cabin.

You see, the Quartet (minus Ron because he was too injured to come.) had gone back in time to save Sirius and Buckbeak with the help of Hermione's Time Turner with which she had been attending several classes all year.

"Why are you not telling them?"

"I- er might've been distracted by Sc- the rat."

"Oh no, they're coming." With that Hermione picked up a stone and threw it unfortunately missing her aim.

Anna picked up another stone and hurled it straight into the back of Harry's head.

The three ducked.

"Ouch." Harry hissed, "That hurts, you know?"

"Sorry." Anna snickered. Harry elbowed her gently. "Oi, you weren't reacting like this earlier."

"Because the absurdity of this situation is just too hilarious."

"Quiet." Hermione hissed, exasperatedly, "Handling you two is like a disaster."

Harry and Anna grinned sheepishly.

They quickly ran behind the trees when the back door burst open so that the 'previous' quartet could hide behind the Pumpkin.

"Is that what my hair looks from behind?" Said Hermione in disbelief.

"Shhh." Anna pulled her back. "We're undercover, remember?"

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