| Chapter Three |

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A nurse accompanied me, the chief, and some other agents to the warehouse. Oh, and by some, I mean the whole office and more police officers too. We were catching these sons of bitches and that was certain.

Frank insisted I stay in a hospital and go into surgery, but I refused and told him I wanted my stuff back. I honestly couldn't care less about the suitcase items, but the things in my personal bag were very important to me and I wasn't losing them.

When we got there, I was forced to stay in the car with the nurse as she tried her best to stitch me up temporarily and just stop all the blood. There were quite a few gunshots that rung, and many agents who were outside searching through cars. One agent found my suitcase and bag tucked away in one car. When he brought it back I looked through it frantically to make sure they didn't take anything.

"They have the file containing my credentials for the interview, but that's about it," I said. I wasn't too worried, as the file pretty much just had my training and the recommendation from Frank. But everything else was there, including my now useless plane tickets. "We should make sure everyone inside is okay," I mentioned.

Not even five seconds after I said that, the front door was kicked open and SSR agents/police officers led out Edwards and his gang. I smirked at Edwards as he snarled at me. It was the chief leading him out, and I found that very fitting.

I watched as all of the goons (that were still alive at least) were led into the squad of police cars. Frank dropped Edwards off to another officer, and came back over to the car I was in with my nurse. He plopped back into the driver's seat and started the car. "Looks like we got everything taken care of. And, Tiffany, it seems you got your luggage back."

"I did. However these plane tickets I have won't work anymore. And I need a new file of my credentials. Seems they took the old one," I said. Frank nodded and we drove back to the SSR. On the way, he insisted I stay for a couple more days so I could recover nicely and be ready for plane travel. Even after I said I was fine and could fly out tomorrow, Frank didn't budge. He was stubborn; it helped make him a great chief.

Back in the SSR building, Frank and my nurse helped me down to the recovery room. Turns out I wasn't as fine as I thought. Every step down the stairs was like a sharp knife being dug into my insides. The nurse, I found out her name is Betty, told me everything would be okay and that after the gunshot wound got properly handled, rest was all I needed.

"Thank you so much Betty. You've been a lot of help," I told her once she helped me into a bed. She smiled and got me prepped for the other doctor to come in and look me over.

"Just doin' my job darling. Now, Doctor Hayes will be in shortly. He's going to be takin' care of your injuries with the help of some other nurses. Hope to see you walking outta here soon!" she said, and left the room. It came out wrong, but I got what she was trying to say.

It was silent for the next few minutes while I waited for Dr. Hayes to come into the room. Plus, it was really cold in my hospital gown that I put on before getting in here. Time went by slowly as I waited in the room. It gave me a chance to think about things, including how the hell an enemy knew where I lived and what I was doing.

The last thing I wanted to think of was a traitor, but there were very few people I told about my transfer in the short 4 hours I knew. There's a very little chance anyone could've figured what was going on without some help. My very first thought was possibly George, since he was so adamant on me staying. Multiple theories raced in my head. They kept going until the doctor came into the room, taking me from my thoughts.

"Agent Jones, I'm glad to see you alive after what I've heard. Let's look at the damage!"


My prescription: rest for about three days along with some pretty intense meds. I asked for a nurse to be with me always (because the meds made me a bit loopy...) and also requested I not see George or Joseph. They were both at the bottom of my 'who I want to see list' and were not moving up anytime soon.

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