| Chapter Twenty-Seven |

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"Can you believe this?" I yelled as I paced around. Peggy sat in a chair, looking at me with her head tilted in concern. "I can't work with him, not after he tried to tell me to stay down in Miami."

Peggy had discreetly invited me to help her move into her new place and I had readily agreed, warning her that there would be a rant incoming. We had gotten all her stuff where she wanted it and as soon as the words 'we're all done' came out of her mouth, I started going off.

She sighed and stood up. I continued to pace around as she walked to grab some more tea. "I don't exactly think Chief Campbell knew about the fact that he didn't want you to come up here, but it is certainly sort of hypocritical to accept the exact same offer a month later," she said.

I nodded. "Thank you!" I was glad she agreed with me. "Martinez was my best friend over there. We went on almost every mission together because of how well we worked together. You would think that he'd know me well enough to understand my desire to move up here to a better opportunity."

My feet were tired of the pacing so I flopped down into a chair. I leaned forward with my elbows on my thighs and put my head in my hands. Peggy walked over with a cup of tea and rubbed my back as she offered it to me. "Thank you," I mumbled. Accepting the tea, I leaned back into the chair and took a sip.

The chair she had been in was next to the one I had claimed, making it easy for her to pull it in front of me so we could face each other. "Thank you for stopping the pacing," she opened with. "You and I both know that you are completely capable of handling yourself and that coming to New York was the best choice."

I smiled at her. "You get me," I said, and she laughed. We ended up just sitting and laughing for a second and it was like the air around us cleansed of the negativity we were just drowning in.

When we calmed down and drank some tea, I decided to move on to a new topic. "So... Daniel Sousa is pretty nice," I said and gave her a look.

Peggy scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Nice change of subject there," she said, the sarcasm punching me in the face. "If you want me to talk about Daniel you are going to have to talk about Jack."

I nodded my head and we got into classic girl talk. She sighed and brought her tea down to sit on her lap. "I don't know what to do, honestly. Daniel is... well he's just so sweet and he's one of the few male agents there who truly thinks of me as a colleague. Maybe that's changing after our work on this case, but I just thought he was showing me respect, plain and simple..." She sighed and took a short sip of her tea. "Now that I know he truly has feelings for me, I don't know where to go."

"You're scared," I said simply. She raised an eyebrow at me, and I continued. "Like you just said, he was the only other agent for a really long time to show you any sort of respect and take you seriously. If you go out with him and it doesn't work out, then you lose that first person."

She nodded. "You might be right..." I whispered.

There was also an unspoken second reason that she still wasn't completely over Steve. I didn't know the extent of her relationship with him, but it was certainly more than a war-induced fling. It also just wasn't because of Captain Rogers turning into Captain America. I knew that there was truly something there ever since she met him at Camp Leigh. We had never talked about that too much, but every now and then she would reveal just a bit more.

"What about you and Jack?" Peggy asked suddenly, drawing me away from my thoughts. "The two of you clearly started something, I just don't know what."

I smiled warmly and looked at my tea, distracting myself with the floating tea leaves. "We... I don't know what we are. We've kissed and he seems so sweet and... warmer now. But I don't know where we go from here," I answered honestly and looked back up at her.

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