| Chapter Twenty |

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We all sat around the office, avoiding shattered glass and scattered papers. Some men were being tended to. I sat on Jack's desk since it had been the closest, letting the tears silently fall. Jack walked over and sat next to me. We didn't exchange any words, he just brought his arm around my shoulders and let me cry into his jacket and rubbed my shoulder.

I heard someone hurrying over to Jack and I, but stayed down. "What happened?" It was Daniel. He sounded so confused and out of breath.

"They got Chief," Jack answered, his voice low and full of emotion. Daniel stepped back and leaned on the desk behind him. He let out a shaky breath and I could just tell he was having a moment. We all were, really.

"The blood," Peggy said suddenly. Jack nudged me lightly and we both got up from the desk and followed Peggy down to the lab. As we hurried, I wiped my tears away and tried to bury my emotions again.

When we got down there, Peggy breathed a sigh of relief seeing the vial was still in it's orb. The new problem: what did Ivchenko take instead? "We need to find out what Ivchenko took," I said.

Daniel nodded and took charge. "Search every crate." We moved quickly, looking through all the crates we could. It wasn't very long before one of the scientists opened up the crate we needed.

"Item 17," he said, grabbing our attention. "It's gone."

We looked at Mr. Jarvis next. "What's that do?" Jack asked him.

What we didn't expect was to see him shake his head and say, "I have no idea."

An agent came hurrying down suddenly. "We got a call from the police department. Something at the movie theater they want us to check out."


Jack, Peggy, Daniel, and I went down in a group to meet with the man in charge. "Are you the SSR folk?" he asked when we got there.

"What the hell happened here, detective?" Jack asked him.

The man could only shrug. "Hell if I know. I got 47 dead, heads bashed in, eyes gouged out- not a single survivor." Peggy and I looked at each other, both terribly confused as to what caused this and how.

We followed the man as he brought us into the theater lobby. Bodies were everywhere, covered in white sheets and being photographed by forensics. "Good lord," Peggy whispered.

"It's like some kind of monster got it. Never seen anything like it," he said.

Daniel turned to him. "All this happened inside the theater?" he asked.

He nodded. "This way."

Daniel and the man walked away while Peggy, Jack, and I looked at the bodies. I walked up to one that was just photographed and took a look at the injuries he sustained. Peggy and Jack came up and looked as well.

Jack moved the sheet down a bit further, and we saw the victim holding a giant tuft of blond hair. "No monster killed these people," Peggy said. "They killed each other." Disgust rolled through me and I couldn't help but feel nauseous. How could people be so cruel and monstrous?

We moved away from the bodies and went in the direction Daniel and the man went in. There were several other police men walking in and out of the theater so it wasn't too difficult to find the right one.

I walked in first, seeing Daniel leaning over something. Right when I was about to call out, he started coughing violently.

"Sousa! Sousa!" Jack called, and we made our way down to where he was with Peggy following behind. We all hurried over to him, Jack being the first one there. "Hey, hey. What happened?" Jack asked while trying to get Sousa to face him.

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