| Chapter Eight |

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"Hello?" I greeted.

"Agent Jones. It's great to hear your voice again."

"Frank Campbell. It's good to hear yours as well," I said. I was glad I could talk to my old chief for a moment out of my day already. But, I knew there was something he needed to talk about. "Now I know you didn't just call to hear my voice. You got enough of it while I was still there," I said.

Frank laughed on the other end. "I suppose you're right Jones." Something in the silence shifted and I knew things were going to get serious. "I have some small updates about your case that I wanted to let you in on."

Ah yes, the kidnapping. That was certainly something I wanted to talk about. Part of me wanted to let him know about the attack on me at the hotel, but I certainly didn't want to stress the poor man out too much.

I was going to give a reply when Thompson came up to my desk and tapped on it impatiently. I sighed and said to Frank, "Hold on a moment, someone apparently needs to speak with me." Frank gave a response of understanding and I lowered the phone to where it was on my shoulder, my hand covering the bottom part. "Yes, Thompson?" I asked, a bit impatient myself.

"You can't take personal calls at work. Wrap it up and get working."

It took some effort, but I managed not to sigh and roll my eyes. "Hate to break it to you, but this call is work related and Chief Dooley knows I'm on it. In fact, he transferred it over to me. Thank you though," I said. Without waiting for him to leave, I put the phone back up to my ear and mouth so I could continue my conversation. "Sorry, I'm back," I said into the phone.

"Good. So, the details." Thompson shook his head and went over to his desk, which I noticed was right next to mine. Oh joy. "Edwards is refusing to talk. We haven't done everything but we've done a whole lot. Ramirez is helping a lot on the case too setting up searches and all the jazz. Teams have gone out and searched the entire warehouse you were in and have found nothing. Either they really know how to clean up after themselves or they have another guy on the outside."

I sighed and leaned back. "Well my guess is it's the latter. Those thugs don't know how to be organized for the life of them. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they had someone else on the outside." I thought for a moment, playing with a pen in my fingers. "It would have to be someone who can easily blend with crowds and know what we were planning. How else did they find out that I was going to the airport early in the morning?" I asked him. I was thinking out loud a lot, and after saying that, it made me think about something I really hoped wasn't true.

Frank knew too. "So you're saying there could be someone on the inside? Damn, now I have a mole in my office. Just what I need after sending away my best agent."

I laughed and said, "You didn't lose your best agent Frank. You still have an amazing office full of decorated men who are totally willing to help. And about the mole, I'm sorry. It just makes the most sense."

"Yeah you're right. Well, that's really all I have for you at the moment. I'll call with more updates soon. Do you have any updates for me?" he asked. It was like he knew I was holding out on him.

I sighed. "Damn, how'd you know?" Frank laughed on the other end and I just smiled. "Yeah, there was an incident at a hotel my first night. Nothing can be traced back to me though, as I used a fake name and cash."

"What the hell do you mean by incident Jones?"

"Incident as in someone broke into my hotel room and attacked me. For starters, I still knocked him out with an injury, and also I may have used a door to do the knocking out and said door may have broken and I may have just left all of it there." There was a loud sigh on the other end. "I left a very generous tip though and a note because I felt bad but I had to get out of there."

Agent Jones- Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now