| Chapter Six |

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My mind was jolted awake very suddenly during the night. I opened my eyes very slowly and turned my lamp on to see what time it was. The clock read it was quarter till 4 am, and I groaned at the thought of trying to go to sleep and have to wake up not even two hours later. My head fell back onto the pillow and I was ready to start falling asleep, when I remembered that I was woken up by something.

I sat up slightly and listened for any sort of noise and heard a louder bang come from right outside of my door. Now I was fully awake and on very high alert. I was worried the sounds were someone coming for me, so I quietly got out of the bed and crawled over to my luggage to grab my gun out of my bag. There was yet another loud bang, and this time it was on my hotel room door.

With the stealth of a cat and all of my training in mind, I tip-toed over to my door and got ready to open and aim. My body was against the wall the door opened on, and I was ready with my gun in my right hand. My left hand reached for the doorknob and I planned on turning it slowly and then whipping the door open for possibly the maximum amount of surprise. That is what I planned at least.

I started to turn the doorknob, but there was clearly someone else waiting for me to do just that. As soon as the knob was just slightly turned, the person who was making all of the noise barged into my room and pushed me away. I let out a noise of surprise as I fell backwards and the man came in and shut my door.

I looked up and him and was very confused. "Who the hell are you?" I asked, slightly disgusted, while trying to stand from the floor.

"A friend of a friend," he offered, before coming at me again. This time I was able to dodge, but he still managed to smack my gun from my hand and under the bed. He fell forward and I was now without a weapon. Well, I had my body at least. When he stood up I kicked his ass (literally) and his face went straight into the edge of the bed frame. He swore loudly and tried to recover quick enough to get a hit in at me.

The guy went to stand again but I gave him a kick to the back of his leg. He went down again with another loud swear. For the briefest moment I thought this was easy and he was no real challenge. Whoever sent him here clearly didn't have very good connections. That was what I was thinking before he kicked my leg and brought me down as well.

I let out a yell as I went crashing down unexpectedly and landed hard on my side. He rolled over to try and get a good grip of my throat, but I rolled out of his way and towards the door to the bathroom. It took me only a moment to stand up, but that was just enough time for him to get up as well. He came in for a football tackle-like move andI went crashing in to the door of the bathroom. It broke off its hinges and we fell on top of the toilet and sinks.

"God that hurt," I mumbled and rubbed my head. The guy's face seemed to have landed mouth-first into the edge of the toilet bowl, and he sat there moaning and groaning over his most likely broken jaw. Taking the opportunity, I sent a pretty good kick into his side and he went flying into the tub and shower thing. He was knocked out cold.

I let myself breathe for a moment and held my ribs where they hit the edge of the vanity. I felt where my stitches were and miraculously, they were still together. My moment didn't last forever, as now I had to change and get the hell out of the room and hotel.

The room itself wasn't much of a mess. I just had to make sure I grabbed all of my things, including the gun under the bed, and leave without causing more of a scene. But first things first: I had to change out of my pajamas. And since the bathroom was... occupied... I had to quickly change in the middle of the main room. The guy was unconscious so I didn't worry all that much.

So I took my pajamas off quickly and found the outfit I was going to wear today anyways and put it on. I swiped my gun out from under the bed and put it in my bag and packed everything else of mine away, then fixed my hair in the bathroom (as best as I could with an unconscious man and broken door) and packed my toiletries away as well. Once it was all properly packed and ready to go, I quietly exited my room and made sure to leave a few extra twenties on the nightstand with a small apology note for the poor souls who had to clean up my mess.

There was only one man at the front desk, so the likeliness of my cover being blown went down significantly. I went through the check out process and got out of there. I did feel bad for leaving the staff with such a problem to deal with, but I really didn't have the time or resources to take care of it myself.

Hurrying out the door into the chilly morning, I tried to think of a place to go. It wasn't extremely early, but it was early enough that many places wouldn't be up and running yet. For crying out loud, it wasn't even 5 am yet! How was I supposed to find a good and safe place to lay low. I thought a bit about my day ahead and remembered I had to meet Angie at the diner-

"The diner!" I said to myself. I turned and started to walk in the direction I remember the diner being in. Hopefully by the time I got there Angie would be there or at least on her way. The morning left the sidewalks emptier than they would be at 8 am. I took my time walking down the street, enjoying the sunrise lighting and cool morning breeze. There weren't many taxis out this morning either, so the honking was very minimal. I knew I'd have to get used to the rush hour noises and crowds, but I begged in my head that every morning could be like this; it technically could if I got up and out early enough, but I love sleep too much to do that to myself.

The diner came into my sights so I decided to hurry on inside before any more people came out and decided to get some breakfast as well. The bell on the door rung as I entered, and I went to sit at the counter today so I could talk to Angie and not distract her too much from her job. I sat down one away from the end and put my luggage on the last chair. There was a middle-aged woman talking some orders at the counter. When she came over to me, I just asked for a simple coffee for now.

I looked at the clock on the wall (I looked at my wrist first and realized I must've packed my watch away in my rush to leave the hotel) and noticed it was merely 5:40 in the morning. Angie and I agreed on 7:30, and that was nearly two hours away. I sighed and looked at the counter extremely bored. The waitress came over with my coffee so now I was able to drink my coffee and look bored at the wall.

As I stared at the wall, I saw movement from in front of me over to the side that caught my interest, so I looked over. Over by the other waitress was Angie getting ready for her shift already. If she worked from now until when I saw her yesterday, I felt really bad for the poor girl.

"Hey Angie!" I called out and smiled at her. She looked over and smiled back at me. Angie gave the other waitress another quick word and then headed on over to where I was sitting.

"Hey you! I didn't think you'd be in this early," she said, and leaned forward on the counter. "By the way, did I ever get your name?" I contemplated very quickly on what name I should giver her, and decided to go with my real name.

"I'm Tiffany Jones," I said, introducing myself. I stuck out my right hand for a handshake and smiled at Angie. She caught onto my 'serious' greeting and held out her own right hand.

"Well my name is Angie Martinelli." We shook hands and laughed a bit. "Would you like to order something? That way you can have something to eat while I go over what you'll need for the interview," Angie suggested.

I nodded and said, "Sure that sounds wonderful. I'll have another omelette please." Angie wrote my order down and put it on the window to get picked up by the kitchen. Then she came back over and went back to her previous spot. "So...since we have a bit before my omelette is done, tell me about yourself Angie."

"Well," she started, sighing and thinking. "I really only work here temporarily. I'm really in New York to catch my big break on Broadway!" She smiled and my eyes widened with interest. "I do quite a few auditions a week but none of them seemed to have really worked so far," she said, and disappointed came out of her tone.

I gave her a half smile and patted her arm in comfort. "You know why?" Angie looked at me perplexed. "Because you are too good for them! I know one day you will get the role of a lifetime in a huge Broadway production, and I'm gonna be one of the first people in line to buy a ticket." I smiled at her and she gave me a small one back.

The bell on the kitchen window rung, and we saw that my omelette is ready for consumption. "Let me go grab that!" she said and walked away to grab my food. The steaming omelette came back over and Angie set it down in front of me. I thanked her and started to dig in. "Alright, now you need to be prepared for this interview you're gonna go through, and I'm here to help with that. We'll go right after you're done with your breakfast and I'm done preparing."

A/n: Don't forget to vote and comment! I read them all and love responding!

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