| Chapter Fifteen |

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A/n: man I love my long chapters, don't I?

I entered the office, a sad air surrounding me. Agent Yauch walked by on his way out. If I had been in a more focused headspace, maybe I would've wondered more about why he was leaving in the middle of the day.

Instead I went over to my desk and sat down in sadness. Peggy Carter, though I didn't know her for that long or all that well, had become my closest friend in the workplace. She was the only other female, too, so of course I felt a connection to her. This just hurt.

All the other agents were moving about, getting things together and possibly getting ready for Peggy if the others were able to catch her. She is pretty good at getting out of sticky situations, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Jack and Daniel came back empty handed.

My desk phone rang suddenly, so I snapped out of my sadness and answered it. "Jones here," I said, trying to erase the sadness from my voice.

"Tiffany Jones, did you really get yourself shot again on a mission while also hurting your old GSW? Did I hear Chief Dooley correctly?" Frank Campbell nearly yelled on the other end. "I didn't know that when I was sending you up there I was sending you up there as a... as a target!"

I sighed and put my head in my empty hand. "Hello to you too, Frank," I said. "Yes, I went on a field mission to Russia where I was shot and did accidentally tear my stitches. To be fair, I was personally invited to the field mission in Russia and I was running to save my life when I tore my stitches."

"I don't care if Truman himself extends an invitation to you, you're supposed to be taking care of yourself, Jones," he said with a sigh. There was a small pause before he spoke again. "I am glad to see you're okay. All though, you should be at home resting..."

With a laugh, I shook my head and said, "Big things are happening today, I wouldn't dare miss it." I was going to continue, but movement into the office caught my eye. That's when I saw Jack and Daniel escorting a cuffed Peggy Carter to Chief Dooley. "Speaking of, I gotta go. Talk to you soon, Frank."

He tried to get something in but I slammed the phone down and got up to stand next to Chief Dooley. Peggy looked a bit woozy, which caused me to throw a confused glance to Jack. He mouthed "later" to me and I nodded.

"I can explain. All of it," she said weakly.

I scoffed and shook my head. "Now that you've been caught you want to explain? Not when I tried to talk to you at the diner and at the Griffith?" I asked, a little hurt. She gave me a hurt look as well, but the boys took her away. My guess was they were going to the interrogation room. She's a prisoner now, so that's where she's going.

Chief Dooley looked at me. "I'm going to ignore what you just told her about going to the Griffith when you were supposed to come back here," he said. I nodded, grateful, and he started to walk away. He stopped and turned to look at me, noticing I wasn't following. "Let's go."

A bit reluctantly, I followed behind. As we got to the room, though, I stopped and spoke up. "I really don't want to watch this from in there," I said, nodding to the room Jack and Daniel were currently handcuffing Peggy in.

"Well, I still need your help. Sit in the observation room and if I need you in there, you're coming in," Chief answered. He didn't wait for a reply, knowing it'd be a 'yes sir' and walking into the interrogation room.

I went in the same direction, just entered a door over. A few minuted later, the Chief joined me in. Soon after, he stepped out and then returned with the Russian doctor. That man gave me the creeps, with the way he smiled at me as he entered, but I didn't say anything. Chief Dooley was stressed enough as is.

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