| Chapter Eleven |

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A/n: I apologize in advance for the long chapter lol

1946- Present

The next morning at 7 am, Peggy knocked on my door three times, each one very staccato. I opened the door and greeted her with a smile, ready for our next day of work. "I'm glad we could walk together," she said. I smiled back and we left the Griffith.

On our way we talked about little things, including her asking me about my life back in Miami and what it was like. "Well, it was quite warm. Most of my clothes I brought up here probably won't be very helpful when winter comes round," I said.

"I'm not entirely sure you won't freeze to death." Peggy and I laughed and made out way into the SSR building. I hadn't told her about anything too specific before I moved to Miami. That part of my past was not something I wanted to dive into at the moment. I also decided against talking about last night, because the moment I said something about hoping she felt better, her expression turned sad and stoic. Something went down, and I figured she would need more time to figure it all out.

Once we were in the offices, we bid each other farewell and got to our desks. Sousa was going over some things on the Stark case when I sat at my desk. Which reminded me about yesterday evening and my run in with the (in)famous Howard Stark. Instead I focused on my pile of files that I had to get through. For lunch I decided to head out and do a bit of shopping. My head was buried in those files for so long, I half expected words to be literally everywhere.

I got some nice work outfits and ended up dropping the bags off at the Griffith. I couldn't even imagine the chief's reaction if I had brought my shopping bags into work. For starters, I mentioned I was leaving due to 'personal reasons' which usually did not include shopping. In my defense, I needed a damn break.

The rest of the day was uneventful on my end. The chief came back from a trip to Germany (I had no idea that was a thing) and him and Thompson spent some time in the office going over things. Most likely related to the Stark case. Near the end of the day I started to get a killer headache so I decided to head on out, and bid a goodnight to Peggy and Sousa. Back at the Griffith I ran into Dottie, and asked if she could let Angie know that I wasn't feeling too good and that I would be skipping dinner. She seemed extremely cheery over that question, and happily agreed.

Once in my room I slipped on a lounging dress and sat on the comfy looking chair to read some of my book. After reading a few chapters, I decided to go to bed early and hope that would get rid of my headache. As I started to fall asleep, I heard someone playing some very loud jazz music. It wasn't unwelcome however, as it helped me fall asleep even faster.


The next morning I got up later than normal, meaning Peggy was probably already on her way to work. I'd see her at work so I didn't find it to be too big of a deal. I got ready for work quickly, opting to leave my hair down rather than spend more time trying to put it up, and wore a new outfit I got from the store yesterday. It took me only half an hour to be ready after I woke up. My headache was gone too, so I just decided to go straight to work.

As I walked out of my apartment, I saw Angie walking out of hers. "Good morning Angie!" I greeted, and she turned and gave me a smile. "Why aren't you at work this morning?"

"I'm consumed with ennui. Work isn't appealing to me," she said. I nodded and waved goodbye and set off for work. There were a few other girls in the lobby that I also waved goodbye to as I went out the front doors. I tried to tell Miriam goodbye but she just gave me a glare as I passed. She was one woman I just could not figure out.

Despite waking up late, I managed to get to the SSR building in good time, even arriving a minute earlier than usual. When I walked in, agents buzzed about whispering about something that happened. At my desk, there was no pile of files. Something was definitely up.

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